Agenda item

(21/05464/FULL1) Dover House, Anerley Road, Penge, London, SE20 8EN.




The Assistant Director, Planning’s representative  explained that the proposed application was for the construction of an addition storey (5th floor) which would incorporate two additional 2 bedroom flats and one additional one bedroom flat. It also included proposed elevational alterations including the extension of a parapet and external stairs, works to the roof including the relocation of water tanks and the formation of a lift shaft together with the relocation of existing telecommunications apparatus onto the new roof. Associated works included the provision of cycle and refuse storage and level access path from Anerley Road. (Revised Drawings received 6/4/2022 indicating building layouts and addition of level access path from Anerley Road).It was also noted that the application would be a minor contribution to the housing supply if granted. 


Officers had recommended that the application be permitted.


Oral representations in objection to the application were received on the night.


Ward Cllr Simon Jeal objected to the application on behalf of the residents of Dover House, some of the neighbouring properties and a local church. He said that he was objecting due to the height of the application and the adverse effect that this would have on neighbours. Cllr Jeal focussed on the impact that the installation of the lift would have on the amenity of the residents of Dover House. He said that the officers had commented on the matter of noise reduction in the report from a technical perspective, but not from a planning perspective. He pointed out that the lift shaft would operate in close proximity to two bedrooms. Sound proofing was not the same as sound elimination and it was clear in his view that disturbance caused by noise from the lift was inevitable. Cllr Jeal highlighted that none of the residents had submitted any comments supporting the application. Cllr Jeal stated that in the event of a fire or the lift breaking down, he would have concerns as to how a disabled resident on the fifth floor would evacuate in a safe and timely manner. Cllr Jeal also stated that there was also a lack of parking spaces in the application. Cllr Jeal proposed that the application be refused, but if the Committee were minded to permit the application then he asked that it be agreed that it be permitted with the conditions requested by the Residents’ Association.


The Assistant Director, Planning’s representative replied that in the plans documents details had been laid out concerning noise and sound insulation and that these could be expanded upon if this was a concern. He said that with reference to lighting and access points, conditions had been drafted to cover these as well. Cllr Jeal responded that although there were plans for noise insulation, these would not get rid of all of the noise from the lift.


Members, having considered the report, objections and representations, RESOLVED THAT PERMISSION BE GRANTED for the reasons and subject to the conditions and informatives set out in the report of the Assistant Director, Planning. 


The application is subject to the following amendment to Condition 4:


Prior to the commencement of the development, measurements of existing noise levels at the intended location of the lift shall be taken and these, along with details of the predicted/resultant noise levels associated with the lift operation, any relevant drawings and technical specifications of the installation, and of proposed works of sound insulation against airborne and structure-borne noise arising from the lift, shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. Sound insulation works shall meet as a minimum the provisions of Table 5 of BS 8233:2014 'Guidance on sound insulation and noise reduction for buildings' in adjacent habitable rooms and works shall be implemented in complete accordance with the approved details and maintained as such thereafter.


Reason: In the interest of the residential amenities of the adjacent flats and to accord with Policies 37 and 119 of the Bromley Local Plan and to avoid an unacceptable increase in noise and disturbance to neighbouring residents. 







Supporting documents: