Agenda item





The Head of Audit and Assurance introduced the Risk Management Report which provided Members with the most recent iterations of the corporate and departmental risk registers for review and comment. The Committee was asked to note the risk registers and to comment on any matters arising.


It was noted that the various risk registers went to the appropriate scrutiny committees as well. Ideally, they would go to the Audit and Risk Management Committee first. The Chairman suggested that the Committee focus on the Corporate Risk Register.  He suggested that if any Member had concerns about any other risk items that were not on the Corporate Risk Register, that they address it with the Chairman of the relevant scrutiny committee.


The point was made that as the risk registers went to this committee and also to other PDS committees, it would be prudent to consider how duplication of scrutiny could be avoided. It was suggested that on the night members focus on the ‘red’ risks that were likely to be audited by the Internal Audit Team.


A Member expressed the view that with respect to high red risks, the risk owners should be asked to attend the committee and explain how they would be addressing those risks.


It was suggested that rather than the Committee have to wade through all of the Risk Registers, that an alternative simplified document be produced. This could be a ‘heat map’ document that would highlight the most significant risks, especially if the risks had failed mitigation or controls.


The Head of Audit and Assurance felt that the idea of a ‘heat map’ was a good one. She felt that the Corporate Risk Register should be looked at in its entirety. She also felt that it was reasonable to ask risk owners to attend the Committee if necessary. It was suggested that ‘heat maps’ be used on a trial basis for the next couple of committee meetings.


A discussion took place as to how new risks could be added to the Risk Register and it was pointed out that members of the Audit and Risk Management Committee could raise potential new risks if they wished. It was noted that the Corporate Risk Register was owned by the Chief Executive and that the other Risk Registers were owned by Chief Officers.




1) The Risk Management Report be noted


2) For the next couple of committee meetings, a ‘Heat Map’ document would be produced that would summarise the main ‘red’ risks. The Corporate Risk Register would continue to  be looked at in its entirety.




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