Agenda item



Ben Johnson, LBB Head of Planning Policy and Strategy provided an update on the Local Plan.


Members of the Partnership were advised that, as previously highlighted, the Local Plan was a lengthy project, with multiple phases. The process had started last year with a ‘call for sites’ consultation, which had focused on housing supply in order to establish the number of sites that could help meet the Local Authority’s housing target. The team were now looking for the evidence required to underpin the Local Plan – the Plan would cover a number of areas, including housing, open spaces, and economic and environmental issues, and they needed to ensure it was robust and could be defended at an independent examination by the Planning Inspectorate.


The LBB Head of Planning Policy and Strategy advised that following the evidence gathering, they would be aiming to start an initial ‘issues and options’ consultation toward the end of the year, or beginning of the next. This would then be followed by a detailed consultation on specific polices mid-way through 2023, with an aim to adopt the finalised Local Plan by the end of 2024. It was noted that although this was an ambitious target, it was achievable – they wanted to avoid any delays, and complete the work as soon as possible, however the need for the Plan to be robust was emphasised. The LBB Head of Planning Policy and Strategy said he would be happy to engage with members of the Partnership and discuss evidence as and when it emerged.


In response to a question from the Vice-Chairman, the LBB Head of Planning Policy and Strategy advised that an ‘issue and options’ consultation would take place following the evidence gathering. A ‘call for sites’ response had been received from the Airport, which would be assessed as part of the Local Plan – they were on the database and would be notified of future rounds of consultations.


Bruce Walker – Lansdown Asset Management noted the economic benefits to the borough that had been mentioned and enquired if there were any proposals to release areas of greenbelt land for employment or commercial uses. The LBB Head of Planning Policy and Strategy confirmed that land use would be reviewed as part of the preparation of the Local Plan, including an employment land review which would set out the type of employment spaces required, and in which areas. 


The LBB Head of Planning Policy and Strategy informed members that the Planning Obligations Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) had been adopted at the end of June 2022, which set out frameworks and planning obligations for when applications were put forward. The consultation for the Orpington SPD had closed on 1st July, and officers were currently going through the 1,003 responses received. They would be looking to assess the responses and note any necessary amendments to the document, before returning to Committee towards the end of 2022, or beginning of 2023.


The Bromley town centre SPD would be presented to the Council’s Development Control Committee the following week, before being taken to the Renewal, Recreation and Housing Policy Development and Scrutiny Committee and Council’s Executive. If approved, a 12-week consultation would be launched in the autumn. A draft Urban Design Guide had also been prepared, which provided detailed guidance on all aspects of design in the borough. This would be taken to the Committee cycle in September/October 2022, followed by a period of consultation.