Agenda item



The Chief Executive, Mr Ade Adetosoye, attended the meeting to respond to questions from the Committee. the Chairman thanked the Chief Executive for the detailed written update circulated as part of the agenda papers.  Mr Adetosoye responded to questions, making the following comments –


  • The new Council Website was gradually bedding in, and problems were being resolved as they were reported.  There had initially been issues with the migration of data and these had been resolved.  The Chief Executive was proud of the work that had been done and the new website would be monitored to ensure that search results were as efficient and as accurate as possible.  The Committee noted that as companies such as Google, Microsoft and Amazon used artificial intelligence (AI) for their search functionality, search results would be tailored to a user’s account and previous search history.  It was therefore worth registering for an account in order to improve search results.  IT would be asked to investigate issues that had been reported with website links that were over six months old and Council forms would be reviewed to ensure that they referred users to the new website.
  • The Leadership Board had been monitoring the Household Support Grant and Members were encouraged to refer any outstanding issues in relation to receipt of vouchers to the Chief Executive for further investigation.
  • If a further Household Support Scheme was brought forward it was likely that slightly different proposals for the administration of the scheme would be presented to Members and further advice would be given nearer the time.
  • In respect of Inspection readiness, the Chief Executive explained that there were three regulated services which were subject to unannounced inspections.
  • In relation to the Local Government Settlement and the Fairer Funding review, Members noted that delays to the Fairer Funding Review meant that Bromley was in receipt of less government funding but was managing the same or increased expectations in terms of service delivery.  The Council continued to lobby and raise concerns with colleagues in central government.  In additional the Council’s fiscal policy remained the same in terms to delivering services within the available budget envelope.
  • Service delivery and the performance of all departments across the Council was monitored using a RAG rating.  The Public Affairs team, in particular, had a detailed work plan setting out public engagement initiatives and communications plans for specific projects.  The team were held to account and would continue to grow.
  • The Council was awaiting the policy direction from central government in respect of Homes for Ukraine as funding was predicated on that policy direction.  Once the direction of travel was known there would be clear communication with both Ukrainian guests and their sponsors.
  • The Council was reviewing the impact of the cost-of-living crisis on children and families.  The Council website was being updated to ensure information about the additional support available was provided.  Directors were undertaking a review of statutory obligations.
  • The Council continued to deliver its Digital Strategy and the need to be ambitious and consider what more could be done was recognised.  Residents were encouraged to access services online but where this was not possible one to one support from Council Officers was available.
  • There were a number of Council priorities that lay with individual services and directors such as recruitment of foster carers which was the responsibility of the Director of Children’s Services.
  • Officers were duty bound to provide Members with adequate information to facilitate sound decision making.  There was a balance between detail and focus and Officers would be asked to provide the detail required as succinctly as possible.
  • Information on the use of the Covid fund for the year to date – what it had been used for and the remaining balance – would be provided following the meeting.


The Committee thanked the Chief Executive for his informative and helpful update.

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