Agenda item

(22/00179/FULL6) - 23 The Covert, Petts Wood, Orpington, BR6 0BT




Description of application – Single storey side extension.


The Head of Development Management reported that further comments of support had been received from the applicant and circulated to Members, asking that they take into account the following:

-  the applicants were happy to commit to whatever design specifications were felt necessary;

-  the proposed side extension, was modest in size and would not result in "terracing"; and,

-  the applicants had already agreed to a greater set-back from the front of the house to minimise the impact on their neighbours.


Committee Member and Ward Member Councillor Fawthrop said that he had called-in this application for two reasons:

1. the impact on the neighbouring amenity of no. 21 The Covert as well as the visual outlook from that address; and,

2. the impact of the proposals on The Covert Conservation Area, particularly the unbalancing of the pair of Noel Rees semi-detached properties, which would be visible from the street scene. This needed to be taken in context of both the Conservation Area and the Area of Special Residential Character descriptions.


It was acknowledged that the applicant had revised the scheme to minimise the impact on the street scene, however the examples of similar side extensions listed in paragraph 7.13 of the report were historic, and permitted prior to the introduction of the Conservation Area and before the current Local Plan was adopted. The report did not demonstrate the public benefit of the application, particularly in relation to side space, and did not preserve the character of the Conservation Area and Area of Special Residential Character. It was considered that spaces or gaps between buildings must be maintained where it contributed to the character of an area. Therefore the application was contrary to Policies 6b, 8, 41 and 44 in the Local Plan as it eroded the character of the Conservation Area and Area of Special Residential Character and impacted upon side space. Councillor Fawthrop’s comments are attached at Appendix A.


Councillor Andrews said that he agreed with the comments made by Councillor Fawthrop. It was highlighted that paragraph 7.14 stated that the LBB Conservation Officer had reported that the proposed side extension “would have a minimal negative impact in the Conservation Area”. This did not enhance the Conservation Area, as required by Policy 41 of the Local Plan, and he therefore moved that the application be refused for the reasons stated by Councillor Fawthrop.


Councillor Dean seconded the motion for refusal.


Members having considered the report and objections, RESOLVED that PERMISSION BE REFUSED, for the following reason:-


The proposed single storey side extension, by reason of its siting, would erode the space between the host dwelling and neighbouring property and harm the symmetry of the pair of semi-detached dwellings, and would therefore fail to preserve or enhance the character and appearance of The Covert, Petts Wood Conservation Area and Petts Wood Area of Special Residential Character within which it lies; thereby contrary to Policies 6, 8, 41 and 44 of the Bromley Local Plan (2019).

Supporting documents: