Agenda item

(22/01141/FULL1) - Glendale, Holwood Park Avenue, Orpington BR6 8NG




Description of application: Demolition of an existing dwelling and detached triple garage and the erection of a replacement 2 Storey detached eight bedroom dwelling with accommodation in roof space, basement accommodation including car parking, single storey rear pool projection, and garden shed and BBQ/dining shelter in rear garden.


Members noted that this application had been called in by Councillor Alexa Michael and that  it was located in the Keston Park Conservation Area. The recommendation of the planning officers was that the application should be refused. The Planning Officer stated that objections to the application had been received from the Conservation Officer and the Advisory Panel for Conservation Areas. 


Oral representations in support of the application were received at the meeting.


Oral representations were heard on the night from Ward Councillor Dr Sunil Gupta in support of the application. He said that the existing property was out of character with its surroundings. He stated that there was a property that already existed across the road to the Royal Bell that was similar to the one proposed in the planning application and so he saw no reason why the application could not be permitted. There were properties in the road of various and in some cases mansion style architecture.


The Chairman moved that permission be granted. The vote was 4 in favour and 4 against. The Chairman used his casting vote and so the application was approved. The Chairman expressed the view that the application would make a positive contribution to the Conservation Area. It was agreed that conditions would be delegated before approval was sent out. 




The proposed development, by reason of its design, size and siting on the plot, relates well to the dwellings in the surrounding area and as such would make a greater contribution to the character of the Conservation Area than the existing dwelling which it looks to replace.




Conditions as follows:


1.  The development to which this permission relates must be begun not later than the expiration of 3 years, beginning with the date of this decision notice.


Reason: To comply with Section 91 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990


2.  (a) Prior to commencement of above ground works, details (including samples) of the materials to be used for the external surfaces of the building which shall include roof cladding, wall facing materials and cladding, window glass, door and window frames, decorative features, rainwater goods and paving where appropriate shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. 


(b) The development shall be carried out in accordance with the approved details.


Reason: In order to comply with Policy 37 of the Bromley Local Plan and in the interest of the appearance of the building and the visual amenities of the area


3.  The development hereby permitted shall not be carried out otherwise than in complete accordance with the plans approved under this planning permission unless previously agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority.


Reason: In order to comply with Policy 37 of the Bromley Local Plan and in the interests of visual and residential amenity.


4.  i) Prior to commencement of above ground works details of treatment of all parts on the site not covered by buildings shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The site shall be landscaped strictly in accordance with the approved details in the first planting season after completion or first occupation of the development, whichever is the sooner. Details shall include:


1. A scaled plan showing all existing vegetation to be retained and trees and plants to be planted which shall include use of a minimum of 30% native plant species of home grown stock (where possible) and no invasive species


2. Proposed hardstanding and boundary treatment


3. A schedule detailing sizes and numbers of all proposed trees/plants


4. Sufficient specification to endure successful establishment and survival of new planting.


(ii) There shall be no excavation or raising or lowering of levels within the prescribed root protection area of retained trees unless agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority.


(iii) Any new tree(s) that die(s), are/is removed or become(s) severely damaged or diseased shall be replaced and any new planting (other than trees) which dies, is removed, becomes severely damaged or diseased within five years of planting shall be replaced.  Unless further specific permission has been given by the Local Planning Authority, replacement planting shall be in accordance with the approved details


Reason: In order to comply with Policies 37, 73 and 74 of the Bromley Local Plan  to secure a visually satisfactory setting for the development and to protect neighbouring amenity.


5.  (i) Prior to the commencement of the development hereby approved (including demolition and all preparatory work), a scheme for the protectionof the retained trees, in accordance with BS 5837:2012, including a tree protection plan(s) (TPP) and an arboricultural method statement (AMS) shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority.


Specific issues to be dealt with in the TPP and AMS:


 a) Location and installation of services/ utilities/ drainage.


b) Methods of demolition within the root protection area ( RPA as defined in BS 5837: 2012) of the retained trees.


  c) Details of construction within the RPA or that may impact on the  retained trees.


  d) A full specification for the installation of boundary treatment  works.


e) A full specification for the construction of any roads, parking areas and driveways, including details of the no-dig specification and  extent of the areas of the roads, parking areas and driveways to be constructed using a no-dig specification. Details shall include relevant sections through them.


f) Detailed levels and cross-sections to show that the raised levels of surfacing, where the installation of no-dig surfacing within Root Protection Areas is proposed, demonstrating that they can be accommodated where they meet with any adjacent building damp proof courses.


g) A specification for protective fencing to safeguard trees during both demolition and construction phases and a plan indicating the alignment of the protective fencing.


h) A specification for scaffolding and ground protection within tree protection zones.


i) Tree protection during construction indicated on a TPP and construction and construction activities clearly identified as prohibited in this area.


j) Details of site access, temporary parking, on site welfare facilities, loading, unloading and storage of equipment, materials, fuels and waste as well concrete mixing and use of fires


k) Boundary treatments within the RPA


l) Methodology and detailed assessment of root pruning


m) Arboricultural supervision and inspection by a suitably qualified tree specialist


n) Reporting of inspection and supervision


o) Methods to improve the rooting environment for retained and proposed trees and landscaping


p) Veteran and ancient tree protection and management


(ii) The development thereafter shall be implemented in strict accordance with the approved details.


Reason: Required prior to commencement of development to satisfy the Local Planning Authority that the trees to be retained will not be damaged during demolition or construction and to protect and enhance the appearance and character of the site and locality, in accordance with Policy 37, 73 and 74 of the Bromley Local Plan and pursuant to section 197 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990


6.  (a) Prior to commencement of the development hereby approved (excluding any ground clearance or demolition) a scheme for the provision of surface water drainage shall be submitted and approved in writing by the local planning authority.


(b) Before the details required to satisfy Part (a) are submitted an assessment shall be carried out of the potential for disposing of surface water by means of a sustainable drainage system (SuDS) to ground, watercourse or sewer in accordance with drainage hierarchy contained within the London Plan Policy SI13 and the advice contained within the National SuDS Standards.


(c) Where a sustainable drainage scheme is to be provided, the submitted details shall:


i. provide information about the design storm period and intensity, the method employed to delay (attenuate) and control the rate of surface water discharged from the site as close to greenfield runoff rates (8l/s/ha) as reasonably practicable and the measures taken to prevent pollution of the receiving groundwater and/or surface water


(d) The drainage scheme approved under Parts a, b and c shall be implemented in full prior to first occupation of the development hereby approved


Reason: Details are required prior to the commencement of any new operational development in order to ensure that a satisfactory means of surface water drainage, to reduce the risk of flooding can be achieved before development intensifies on site and to comply with the Policy SI13 of the London Plan and Policies 115, 116 and 117 of the Bromley Local Plan


7.  Before the development hereby permitted is first occupied the proposed window(s) in the first floor flank elevations; shall be obscure glazed to a minimum of Pilkington privacy Level 3 and shall be non-opening unless the parts of the window which can be opened are more than 1.7 metres above the floor of the room in which the window is installed and the window (s) shall subsequently be permanently retained as such.


Reason: In the interests of protecting residential amenity in accordance with Policy 37 of the Bromley Local Plan



8.  No development shall commence on site (including demolition) until such time as a Construction and Environmental Management Plan has been submitted to and approved in writing by the local planning authority.  As a minimum the plan shall cover: 

(a) Dust mitigation and management measures.


(b) The location and operation of plant and wheel washing facilities


(c) Measure to reduce demolition and construction noise 


(d) Details of construction traffic movements including cumulative impacts which shall demonstrate the following:-

(i) Rationalise travel and traffic routes to and from the site as well as within the site.

(ii) Provide full details of the number and time of construction vehicle trips to the site with the intention and aim of reducing the impact of construction related activity.

(iii) Measures to deal with safe pedestrian movement.

(iv) Full contact details of the site and project manager responsible for day-to-day management of the works 

(v) Parking for  operatives during construction period

(vi) A swept path drawings for any tight manoeuvres on vehicle routes to and from the site including proposed access and egress arrangements at the site boundary.


(e)  Hours of operation


(f)  Other site specific Highways and Environmental Protection issues as requested on a case by case basis 


(g) The development shall be undertaken in full accordance with the details approved under Parts a-f 


Reason: Required prior to commencement of development to ensure sufficient measures can be secured throughout the whole build programme in the interests of pedestrian and vehicular safety and the amenities of the area. In order to comply with Policies 30, 31, 32 and 119 of the Bromley Local Plan and in the interest of the amenities of the adjacent properties.




Thames Water




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