Agenda item


The Staff Side request an update on the Council’s Accommodation Strategy and its implications for staff. Until it is understood what the Accommodation Strategy looks like, it won't be clear what the implications might be for staff and how this will affect staff working conditions whilst in the office or at home. For example, whilst COVID led to a particular way of working there will be costs for staff associated with a more formal hybrid way of working--not least heating costs over the winter.


The Staff Side asked for the following matter to be discussed:


The Staff Side request an update on the Council’s Accommodation Strategy and its implications for staff. Until it is understood what the Accommodation Strategy looks like, it won't be clear what the implications might be for staff and how this will affect staff working conditions whilst in the office or at home. For example, whilst COVID led to a particular way of working there will be costs for staff associated with a more formal hybrid way of working--not least heating costs over the winter.


The Assistant Director for HR explained that not much information could be shared at the meeting as everything was under review and matters were commercially sensitive. It was anticipated that information regarding the Accommodation Strategy would be available around the end of November. The Leader said it was anticipated that a report on the Accommodation Strategy would go to the meeting of the Executive in November.


Sara Wright asked if there would be any consultation on the matter. The Chairman responded and said it would be a matter for the Members to decide. Thomas Carver asked if there would be scope for a different procedure and Councillor Chris Price was keen that the opinion of staff should be sought and he asked for staff to be involved in a consultation process before Members took matters further and made decisions. The Chairman said that it would be good for the matter to be on the next LJCC agenda which would be a week after the relevant Executive meeting. It was also the case that the matter would be discussed at Full Council.


The Leader said that the Accommodation Strategy did not need to go for consultation and that staff were likely to be very encouraged by what would be proposed.  He said that what was likely to be proposed in the Strategy would provide greater choice and flexibility for staff in terms of their working arrangements than was currently the case. Mr Carver responded and said that this was good news but nevertheless he felt that some form of staff engagement was important. The Leader responded and said that staff would be able to comment when the Executive agenda was published.


A Member mentioned that prior to going to the Executive, and Full Council, the Accommodation Strategy report would be scrutinised by the Executive, Resources and Contracts PDS Committee and there was also a possibility that the matter may additionally go to the Renewal, Recreation and Housing Committee. Staff would be very welcome to come along to these scrutiny committees and ask questions. There would also be a meeting with the Departmental Representatives. It was also important to note that Members had to make a decision and this decision would be in the interests not only of staff but of local residents. The Leader was hopeful that by the time the report came to the PDS committees, the details would be in a Part 1 (public) report. A Member briefed the Committee saying that if it was the case that any information was still in a Part 2 (confidential) report, then staff would still be able to access this as they worked for the Council. 


The Vice Chairman responded by saying that the mobilisation of staff to attend committee meetings once proposals had been finally drafted was not an ideal way to engage with staff and that staff should be consulted upon as soon as possible.


RESOLVED that the update on the Accommodation Strategy be noted and that a further update on the Accommodation Strategy be added as an item to the next LJCC agenda.