Agenda item



Report CSD23024


At the meeting of the Executive Committee on 19 October 2022, an update was brought to the Executive on the Biggin Hill Airport Noise Action Plan review. At the time of the report, one of the key commitments of the Noise Action Plan, the new approach to Runway 03, was yet to be approved by the Civil Aviation Authority (CAA). As this commitment was deemed to be one of the most important for residents, the committee asked for a further report to be brought to the Executive Committee in January 2023, once the CAA had made its decision on this issue.


The CAA had now issued its decision refusing the new approach to R03. The report recommended moving forwards with the revision of the NAP with a view to making improvements without the benefit of the new approach to R03 for the next five years.


The Executive noted that the report had been considered by the Executive, Resources and Contracts PDS Committee.  The Chairman of that Committee reported that at the meeting there had been consensus that a revision to the NAP was required and any revised NAP needed to work for both Biggin Hill Airport Ltd (BHAL) and residents.  Many of the points raised at the PDS Committee had concerned resident engagement and the recommendations proposed by Members were aimed at balancing protecting residents and delivering a suitable commercial deal for BHAL.


The Portfolio Holder for Resources, Commissioning and Contracts Management then made a detailed statement which can be reviewed at Appendix B to these minutes.


The Leader emphasised that any revised NAP would be subject to scrutiny by the Executive, Resources and Contracts PDS Committee.  The Leader also expressed confidence that the interests of the residents directly affected by Biggin Hill Airport would be well represented by local ward councillors.


The report had been scrutinised by the Executive, Resources and Contracts PDS Committee at its meeting on 2 February 2023 and the Committee had requested that the Executive note the comments made.




1.  It be noted that the CAA has made a decision not to approve the new Instrument Approach Procedure for Runway 03.


2.  It be agreed that BHAL in association with the Council need to work on the revision of the NAP and produce a new NAP for the following five years.


3.  Officers be authorised to work with BHAL to produce a revised NAP, in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Resources, Commissioning and Contract Management taking into account the fact that the new Instrument Approach Procedure for Runway 03 will not be delivered in the short to medium term future.


4.  It be noted the officers’ suggestions of possible improvements set out in this report to be discussed with BHAL along with other suggestions from residents and other parties in the next few months.


5.  It be noted that sufficient time will need to be allowed to discuss and agree feasible improvements and codify them in a clear and agreed legal document.


6.  It be noted that an update on progress of the commercial aspects of the NAP revision will be reported in six months, with a long stop date of end of the year to complete the legal agreement.


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