Agenda item


Members of the Committee are requested to bring their copy of the agenda for the Executive meeting on 29 March 2023.


The Committee considered the following reports on the Part 1 agenda for the meeting of the Executive on 29 March 2023:




Report FSD23025


The report provided the first budget monitoring position for 2022/23 based on expenditure and activity levels up to the end of December 2022. The report also highlighted any significant variations which would impact on future years as well as any early warnings that could impact on the final year end position.


In response to a question, the Assistant Director of Legal Services confirmed that the Legal Services overspend was currently in the region of £465,000.  The vast majority of the overspend related to support to children and families, but also planning and litigation.  Members noted that there had been an increase in demand and the overspend related to counsel fees.  The Assistant Director noted that there was an ongoing review of Legal Services and the outcome of this, and any recommendations, would be reported to the Chief Officers Executive.  Any changes to the budget would need to be approved by Members.


The Chairman requested that further information about the Learning and Development fees and the Strategy fees be circulated following the meeting.


RESOLVED: That Executive be recommended to


1.  Consider the latest financial position.


2.  Note a projected net overspend on services of £9,683k forecast based on information as at December 2022.


3.  Note the comments from Chief Officers detailed in Appendix 2.


4.  Note a projected increase to the General Fund balance of £65k as detailed in section 3.3.


5.  Note the full year cost pressures of £13.069m as detailed in section 3.4.


6.  Agree the release of funding from the 2022/23 central contingency as detailed in paragraphs 3.2.2 to 3.2.5.


7.  Agree the release of £500k from the CEF Health Reserve Fund for expenditure in the CEF department as detailed in para. 3.8.


8.  Agree the set aside of £400k for Homes for Ukraine staffing costs for 2023/24 as detailed in para. 3.9.


9.  Agree the release of £2m from the health reserve for the ICB as detailed in para. 3.10.


10.  Agree the set aside a one off sum of £630k as an earmarked reserve for EHCP’s/High Needs costs for 2023/24 and 2024/25 to be met from the 2022/23 central contingency as detailed in para. 3.11.


11.  Agree the set aside of £635k as an earmarked reserve for Legal costs as detailed in para. 3.12 and in Part Two (Appendix 7) of the report.


12.  Agree that any unspent Homes for Ukraine funding be set aside as an earmarked reserve to meet ongoing spend commitments, where funding is not available, relating to Homes for Ukraine as detailed in para. 3.13.


13.  Refer any issues to individual Portfolio Holders for further action.


14.  Request that Council agree to the release of £2m from the Health reserve for the ICB as detailed in para. 3.10. 




Report HPR2023/021

Members of the Executive considered the Council’s draft 2023/24 Budget at their meeting on 8 February 2023. The report set out indicative budget allocations reflected in the Draft 2023/24 Budget report for operational building maintenance against the two sources of funding: the repairs and maintenance budget, and the Building Investment Fund.

Members noted that the operational building repair and maintenance budget had been predicated on the assumption that the properties identified for sale would sell.  It was noted that there was a requirement to maintain properties until they did sell.  There had been a good level of interest in the properties identified for sale and Officers reported that the sale values achieved at recent auctions had exceeded expectations.

In response to a question regarding the Churchill Theatre, the Assistant Director for Property advised the Committee that negotiations with the Trafalgar Group were ongoing and it was likely that an update would be presented to the Executive in May 2023.  Members recognised that the Churchill Theatre remained a significant maintenance liability.

In response to a question, the Assistant Director of Property explained that some of the lessons learnt from the recent operational property review included the need to properly maintain any property assets and set aside an adequate property maintenance budget.  Members also recognised that there was a need to prioritise maintenance across a large estate and maintain a comprehensive asset register.  Work was underway to develop an asset register, and this would enable proactive maintenance.

The Assistant Director of Property explained that any health and safety issues took immediate priority.  In relation to the bell tower at Community House, within 48 hours of concerns being raised the tower had been inspected by a surveyor and within 72 hours it had been scaffolded as a precaution.  Work was now underway to ascertain the most cost-effective way of removing the tower.

RESOLVED: That Executive be recommended to

1.  Noting the 2023/24 Budget report approved by Executive on 8 February 2023, approve the following expenditure for operational building maintenance for 2023/24:

·  Repairs and maintenance - £2.513m.

2.  Note the provision of £2m in 2023/24 for the Building Investment Fund (BIF), as included in the 2023/24 Budget report.  This will be the last year of such provision.

3.  Note that combined these sums provide a total maintenance budget of £4.513m.

4.  Delegate authority to the Director of Housing, Planning, Property and Regeneration to vary the programmes and budget allocations where such action is considered necessary to either protect the Council’s assets or make the most effective use of resources.




Report HPR2023/020


The report sought the procurement and award of expert advice to inform appraisal work, scoping and contractor procurement to implement the refurbishment work, followed by the procurement of building contractors to deliver the Operational Property Refurbishment Programme which has resulted from the Operational Property Review report dated 30th November 2022 as considered and approved on 12th December 2022 at a meeting of the Council’s Full Council.


The Senior Development and Programme Manager (Major Projects) highlighted a typographical error in the report explaining that paragraph 7.1 of report should read lot 2 (not lot 12).  It was noted this this error had been corrected in the report published on the website and a similar error was correct in the accompanying Part 2 report.


In response to a question, the Senior Development and Programme Manager (Major Projects) explained that the refurbishment programme was being managed by the Operational Property Management Board with representation from a range of departments across the Council.  Regular reports were also provided to the Transformation Board and the Lead Consultant would be managed by the Lead Programme Manager with individual Programme Managers overseeing individual work streams.


RESOLVED: That Executive be recommended to


1)  Note the contents of the report and agree the following recommendations subsequent to the OPR report dated 30th November 2022 as considered and approved on 12th December 2022 at a meeting of the Council’s Full Council.


2)  Approve the procurement and award of Construction Consultancy Services via a compliant direct appointment utilising the NHS SBS framework to ensure value for money and accelerated delivery as detailed in Part 2 of this report be approved.


3)  Agree that Officers progress the various Workstreams identified at 3.40 of the OPR report dated 30th November 2022 as set out in 2.11 of this report and as considered and approved on 12th December 2022 at a meeting of the Council’s Full Council by scoping, costing and proceeding to procurement of building contractor/s via a complaint framework.


4)  Delegate authority to the Director of Housing, Planning, Property and Regeneration, to agree and settle all the commercial terms arising.


5)  Delegate authority to the Assistant Director of Legal Services to enter into all relevant legal agreements required in relation to and any other necessary ancillary legal documentation relating thereto, including (but not limited to):


  • The appointment and warranty for the Construction Consultancy Services provider and related sub-consultants.


  • The negotiation of all associated lease amendments and service agreements and where required amendments to existing leases and agreements to be entered into at the time of building contract award.


6)  Agree that Officers provide further report/s to the Executive for consideration prior to the award of works packages to building contractors which will be procured utilising a compliant framework in accordance with the Council’s procurement procedures and regulations.


7)  Agree that Officers continue to provide regular updates to the Portfolio Holder on progress of the OPR.





The report noted the Government announcement regarding the Household Support Fund (HSF) and set out proposals for the allocation and distribution of the HSF.


Following the meeting, Councillor Chris Price, sent a number of questions to the Head of Compliance & Strategy.  The questions and the responses are attached at Appendix B.


RESOLVED: That Executive be recommended to


1)  Note Bromley Council’s allocation for the Household Support Fund (HSF) of £3,735,765.


2)  Approve the drawdown of £3,735,765 from the 2023/24 Central Contingency to the Operational Housing revenue budget.


3)  Approve the full utilisation of this ringfenced grant, in 2023/24, as detailed in paragraph 3.9 of the report.


4)  Delegate any final or additional changes to the Director of Housing, Planning and Regeneration in consultation with the Portfolio Holders for Renewal, Recreation & Housing and Resources, Commissioning & Contracts Management.