Agenda item


Including an update on Adult Social Care Reforms


The Director of Adult Social Care gave an update to Members on work being undertaken across the Adult Social Care department.


The Director of Adult Social Care informed Members that since the last meeting, work to consult with the provider market about the Market Sustainability Plan had almost reached completion. It was noted that the Assistant Director for Integrated Commissioning would present a report in relation to this later in the meeting. The Director of Adult Social Care was pleased to confirm that the department were on target to report this to the Department for Health and Social Care (DHSC) as required.


Members were advised that draft guidance had been received from the Care Quality Commission (CQC) regarding the Assurance process, and would begin to be rolled out from April 2023. Internally, a great deal of preparatory work had been undertaken, including carrying out self-assessments; updating policies and practice guidance; working with staff to prepare them for the reintroduction of an assurance process; and gathering evidence that could be shared with the CQC as part of the process when they visited Bromley. Whilst the guidance was still in draft form, any changes were likely to be minimal as the process was rolled out – 6 authorities had initially been trialling the process, with others to follow. It was noted that Bromley was not one of the authorities to be looked at initially. The Assurance process would look at four areas:

·  how the Local Authority worked with people;

·  how the Local Authority provided support;

·  how the Local Authority ensured safety within the system; and,

·  leadership.


The CQC would apply their Single Assessment Process, which would look at six evidence categories which the department were preparing for. These were:

·  people’s experience;

·  feedback from staff and leaders;

·  feedback from partners;

·  observation;

·  processes; and,

·  outcomes.


From looking at current performance and other data supplied, the CQC would apply a baseline from which to measure. The scoring framework would currently grade local authorities as follows:

1 = evidence shows significant shortfalls in the standard of care

2 = evidence shows some shortfalls in the standard of care

3 = evidence shows a good standard of care

4 = evidence shows an exceptional standard of care.


The department would aim to be graded as highly as possible; however they were aware that any new process would take a while to be embedded. The Director of Adult Social Care emphasised that preparation for the Assurance visit must become one of the major focusses going forward, although all the work being undertaken around transformation and reform would stand the department in good stead for this. It was noted that the team were also engaging with the Assistant Director Strategy, Performance and Corporate Transformation, and other colleagues in Children’s Services, to take appropriate learning from their experience of Ofsted, although it was hoped that the approach taken by the CQC would be less onerous. The Director of Adult Social Care said that, from her perspective, if they were doing the right things for, and with, the residents of Bromley, the right outcome would be achieved. Staff had been advised that preparation for assurance should not just be about getting the right score – their practice should do this for them and be reflected in the outcome. It was noted that further updates could be brought to the Committee as more detail and learning from those that would trial the process was received.


RESOLVED that the update be noted.