Agenda item

(22/02928/FULL6) - Denby 14 Pines Road, Bickley, Bromley, BR1 2AA




Single storey rear extension.


An oral representation was received from the Agent in support of the application. The Committee were informed that the plans had been revised due to the extension of the property to the rear of the site and the subsequent change of outlook for the applicants.


Ward Councillor and Committee Member, Councillor Kira Gabbert spoke to the Committee in objection to the application and confirmed the neighbours’ concerns in respect of loss of outlook, light and the affect on their property. It was also highlighted that the Council sought to manage the risk of overdevelopment by removing Permitted Development Rights when granting planning permission for the property in 2019.


The Committee discussed the application including the matters of overdevelopment, the neighbouring impact and the impact on the surrounding Conservation area.


Members having considered the report, objections and representations, RESOLVED that PERMISSION BE REFUSED, for the following reasons:


The proposed extension, by reason of its excessive depth, height and close proximity to the flank boundary with No.14A Castleford, Pines Road would result in an overdevelopment of the site and an oppressive outlook to the adjacent property and would contravene the rear building line to the north of the site along Pines Road which would have a detrimental impact on the character and appearance of Bickley Park Conservation Area, thereby contrary to Policies 6, 37 and 41 of the Bromley Local Plan.






Supporting documents: