Agenda item

SBP Strategy 2024 - 27 Development

This item provides a roundtable update from all partners on developments in relation to performance and emerging issues.


Karen Proudfoot introduced a report on the development of the Safer Bromley Partnership Strategy 2024-27, including the Community Safety Strategic Assessment 2023, the draft Strategy and the draft Communications and Engagement Plan. It was intended that the Strategy would be held largely on-line rather than in paper form.


It was intended that meeting arrangements would be streamlined and clear governance arrangements put in place. The proposals included three delivery groups for Prevention, Safer People and Safer Places, with membership determined by need. Task and finish groups would be set up as necessary. The meeting was asked for any further comments on the draft Strategy.


Chris Line emphasised that it was important to look at the delivery structure and assess who in the various partnership organisations were the best placed to serve on these groups. Karen Proudfoot was keen to get meeting dates in the diary, and the co-chairs group had committed to attending all the first meetings. An initial delivery plans spreadsheet had been drawn up – any further recommendations on this should be fed through to Karen Proudfoot.


An important aspect of the delivery plans was to understand the resources required, with funding from MOPAC and other sources, and when additional resources were needed for particular projects, and also the risks and mitigating measures.  Superintendent Baldock stated that a multi-agency team was being established for problem solving, looking for innovative solutions and creative funding solutions.


Christopher Evans supported many of the proposals, but commented that data and benchmarking were critical and that it was important that outcomes were measured, rather than just activity. He also commented that activity needed to be public-facing and an annual report addressed to the wider community was needed. Karen Proudfoot confirmed that all documents relating to the Partnership and the Strategy would be brought together in one website, and an annual report would be produced which would feed through the Delivery Groups to the Partnership and then on to the PDS Committee. However, resources to do this were limited.


The issue of funding was discussed. The Strategy had no reference to funding or resources and the Board had no direct funding, so it was vital that the best partner to access funds was identified, and that plans were re-assessed if funding could not be found. As far as possible, activity should be mainstreamed within the normal activities of partners. There needed to be a clear understanding of what data should be collected so that resources were not wasted. There was some certainty about MOPAC funding to March 2025, but the GLA/Mayoral election in May 2024 meant that there was less certainty about the longer term position.  There was no funding for new responsibilities in the next legislation (the Criminal Justice Bill.)


In concluding the debate, Chris Line stated that it was necessary to articulate and promote the benefits of partnership and communicate well, both within the partnership and to the public. He particularly thanked Karen Proudfoot for her work in bringing the new strategy together.

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