Agenda item


Including an update on Adult Social Care Reforms


The Director of Adult Social Care welcomed the new Co-opted Members to the Adult Care and Health Policy Development and Scrutiny Committee, and noted that she looked forward to working with them and using their knowledge and experience to develop the services in Bromley. Co-opted Members were thanked for agreeing to give up some of their very valuable time to work with the Committee.


The Director of Adult Social Care gave an update to Members on work being undertaken across the Adult Social Care department. It was highlighted that progress continued to be made in several areas as they prepared for the assurance process. The department was now six weeks into the programme of work with the Social Care Institute of Excellence(SCIE). The SCIE were working with them to review the way the department worked and to test how they could better use assistive technology and artificial intelligence (AI) to respond to the public and speed up responses to people who needed either assessment or information and advice. This was really exciting work, with good staff engagement, and permission had been given for the SCIE to share what they were doing with the Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC).


The Director of Adult Social Care noted that a report had been provided in the agenda pack which described the work underway to better engage with the public and those that may need their services. This was an area in which they were aware that more work needed to be undertaken, but good progress was being made. A report would also be presented later in the meeting regarding the corporate approach to engagement.


The Director of Adult Social Care said she was pleased to report that the Housing directorate had now employed a new officer who would be leading the work on the Disabled Facilities Grant (DFG). This would be an important piece of work to ensure that better use of the grant was made, which was intended to help people remain in their own homes where they needed work done to improve the property.


As mentioned by the Chairman, the department was also working on the new programme of Member visits to care providers. A number of care homes had been identified who would welcome visits and they would shortly be providing dates for consideration.

Members were advised that, last Thursday evening, an event had been held to celebrate the excellent work that staff working in the care sector in Bromley had, and continued to, deliver. It had been a very successful evening, full of great stories and celebration, and thanks were extended to Members for attending. The feedback from those attending was very positive, and it was hoped that this could become a regular event, funding permitting.


The Director of Adult Social Care said she was very pleased with the budget outturn position which had come in underspent for a further year. This was partly due to a late grant being awarded, but it also reflected the hard work of staff across the Directorate. There continued to be some areas of pressure in this year, but they were working to mitigate these as a team. It was noted that plans for the use of the Better Care Fund for the next two years were being completed and would be reported at the next Health and Wellbeing Board meeting. The plan had been challenging to complete this year as there was a requirement to present a 2-year plan, with increasing data performance needed by the Department of Health and Social Care. The Director of Adult Social Care expressed her gratitude for all the work undertaken on this, led by the Assistant Director for Integrated Commissioning who had drafted an excellent plan which would now be passed through for assurance.


The Director of Adult Social Care highlighted that the department was dealing with a number of additional pieces of work, on top of the day job, so they continued to be very busy. The Director of Adult Social Care wished Members a good break over the summer period, and said she looked forward to reporting to them again in September.


Members echoed the comments made in relation to the Bromley Care Awards, stating that it had been a fantastic evening – it was great to see the work of the community and they hoped future events could be held.


RESOLVED that the update be noted.