Agenda item



Report ACH23-026


The Committee considered a report setting out the background behind what would form a 10-year ‘Bromley Housing with Care Strategy’ and an associated action plan. This strategy would create a roadmap taking Bromley’s housing with care arrangements from where they currently were to where the Council wanted them to be over the next 10 years in order to meet resident demand. The Assistant Director for Integrated Commissioning and Associate Director – Discharge Commissioning, Urgent Care and Transfer of Care Bureau (“Associate Director”) delivered the presentation provided on pages 159-176 of the agenda pack.


A demand and needs analysis had predicted an increased demand from vulnerable adults who would need to be supported to live at home and/or accommodated in special housing. The developing strategy was looking to mitigate the financial risk to the Council in meeting this demand and offer residents who needed extra help desirable housing and support in the community rather than in residential care homes. The vision was for older people and vulnerable adults to have a home that would be safe, promote independence, and support good health and wellbeing, as well as quality of life. This in turn would be supported by a vibrant housing with care market that would keep pace with changes in the population. The Housing with Care Strategy would also address the current issues relating to the quality of provision in some of the older units to ensure they were meeting the needs of residents through the fit-for-purpose built environment.


A Member noted that a new single Mental Health ‘support@home’ service contract was planned to commence in 2024 and asked for an update on how this was progressing. The Assistant Director for Integrated Commissioning advised that this contract would shortly being going out to tender and it was anticipated that the service would commence from October 2024.


In response to questions, the Associate Director said that within the current arrangements they had very close links with landlords and there were strict requirements with their contracts regarding responding to repairs. They also used elements such as void payments hold to them account which they found to work very well. With regards to ensuring that residents in extra care housing received the right support, the Associate Director advised that there was a care and support offer in place, managed by social work colleagues. Assessments were undertaken on those entering extra care housing to ensure their needs were safely met. A benefit of extra care housing was that a single provider worked on site and therefore any change of needs could be flagged, and reviews undertaken in a timely manner. This was the normal process offered to everyone and it work well having a dedicated team as they knew the residents and providers.


A Member stated that they strongly supported the reference made in the need analysis that best practice for developing future proof housing with care would be ensuring an integrated approach to supporting health and care needs of clients. It was noted that the Bromleag Care Practice provided dedicated care for residents of nursing homes, residential homes, and those in extra care housing and specific discussions around how this could be extended were welcomed.


RESOLVED that the Executive be recommended to approve the proposed Housing with Care Strategy 2023 – 2033.

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