Agenda item

(23/00990/TPO) - 7 Grosvenor Road, West Wickham, BR4 9PU




T1 Beech - Fell. T2 Beech - Fell. (SUBJECT TO TPO 793 (6.8.1992)).


An oral representation was received from a neighbour in support of the application to fell the trees and in objection to the recommendation to refuse. The Committee were informed of the impact of the trees upon the driveway surfaces and the overall dominance of the trees in respect of the property, The neighbour also explained the difficulties faced when trying to sell his property due to concerns regarding the trees.


Visiting Ward Member, Councillor Nicholas Bennett, gave an oral representation in support of the application to fell the trees, highlighting the neighbour’s concerns. The Committee were also informed that following discussions with West Wickham Residents’ Association, no objections to the tree felling were raised, with the trees being replaced with a more suitable variety.


Ward Councillor and Committee Member, Councillor Mark Brock, spoke to the Committee in support of the recommendation to refuse the tree felling. It was highlighted that these are healthy trees that make an important visual contribution to the local street scene. Furthermore, the recommendations for the trees to be reduced should be sufficient to alleviate the concerns raised.


Members having considered the report, objections and representations, RESOLVED that CONSENT BE GIVEN IN PART subject to the conditions  stated in the report and that CONSENT BE REFUSED IN PART for the reasons stated in the report.

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