Agenda item



The Director of Adult Social Care gave an update to Members on work being undertaken across the Adult Social Care department.


The Director of Adult Social Care advised that winter planning had stood up well to the usual pressures experienced over the holiday break, and immediately afterwards, and that any unnecessary delays in discharging people from hospital as planned had been avoided. Thanks were extended to staff who worked over the holiday period to keep services running.


With regards to the Community Equipment service, Members were advised that negotiations had continued to enable the new provider to get up to speed. There had been no additional payments made to the provider, as was requested at the last meeting, due to a change in the legal advice being given. The service continued to deliver, but also continued to experience some challenges. Members were encouraged to contact either the Assistant Director for Integrated Commissioning or Assistant Director of Operations if they became aware of any problems encountered by local residents as this feedback would be useful. It was noted that updates would continue to be provided at future meetings.


The Director of Adult Social Care noted that Members had requested a further update on the Adult Social Care Transformation Plan – it was highlighted that a report providing a summary of the digital work being planned would be considered later in the meeting. Members agreed that they would find it helpful to have a one-off information session to explore further the opportunities for extending the use of Assistive Technology. The Director of Adult Social Care advised that the Project Manager for Assistive Technology could run an interactive session at a time convenient for Members. It was noted that Bromley Healthcare also provided an Assistive Technology offer in relation to people’s healthcare needs and could be invited to attend the session.


Members were advised that the department continued to prepare for the assurance visit from the Care Quality Commission and were currently in the middle of reviewing the latest self-assessment, exploring four themes in four weeks. This involved taking a robust look at the work completed by team members and sense checking the assessment of their readiness and performance against the key requirements of the assurance process. The Director of Adult Social Care said she had attended the first of these sessions the previous week and was impressed with the rigour and honesty shown by all the team in preparing and challenging the assessments completed. In preparing for the assurance process they were clear that not everything would be 100% perfect, but that a large part of the process would be self-awareness and having a plan in place to address those areas that still needed further work.


The Director of Adult Social Care said she was pleased to inform Members know that a new Principal Social Worker, Alecia Ivers, had been appointed and would be leading on the preparation for assurance alongside a number of other things. Alecia brought a great deal of experience from other councils and was driving the team forward with pace, energy and a great commitment to the values of the Council. The Director of Adult Social Care said she believed Alecia was a great asset to the Council and hoped she could be persuaded to stay in the role on a permanent basis.


RESOLVED that the update be noted.