Agenda item

(23/01103/FULL6) - The Roses, Kemnal Road, Chislehurst BR7 6LT




Garage conversion into habitable room, double storey side extension and single storey rear extension and elevational alterations.


In a presentation given by Planning, the Committee were informed that the application had previously been refused, most recently in August 2022 and on appeal in February 2023. The appeal was dismissed on grounds relating to the unacceptable risk of harm to the protected trees, which are considered to be of significant value to Chislehurst Conservation Area.


The Committee were also informed that additional arboriculture information had been submitted by the Agent in support of the application. However, the Council’s Tree Officer confirmed the information is not sufficient to remove the objection and further construction close to/beneath a valuable tree should not be encouraged.


The Chairman, Councillor Fawthrop, confirmed to the Committee that a statement had been received from Chislehurst Ward Councillor, Councillor Mark Smith, confirming the Chislehurst Ward Councillors’ agreement to the officers’ recommendation for the application to be refused.


Members having considered the report, objections and representations, RESOLVED that the APPLICATION BE REFUSED for the reason outlined inthe report as amended below:


1.  The proposals would result in unacceptable harm to valuable trees on the site which are considered to be of significant public amenity value to the Chislehurst Conservation Area, and it would thereby fail to respect and incorporate into the design, existing landscape features that contribute to the character and appearance of Chislehurst Conservation Area contrary to Policies 37, 41, 43 and 73 of the Bromley Local Plan 2019.






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