Agenda item



The LBB Assistant Director for Planning & Building Control and the LBB Head of Planning Policy & Strategy attended the meeting to provide a Local Plan update and planning overview.


The Assistant Director for Planning & Building Control confirmed that the problems with the backlog had been rectified.  Recruitment continued to be a challenge and there was a national skills shortage but in spite of this the Team continued to perform well and planning applications were processed well above the targets set by Government.


The Assistant Director highlighted the pre-application advise service offered by the Local Authority and it was noted that the Team were looking to expand the offer over the next year.


The case management software was also being replaced and the Team was six months into a year-long project.  The new software would go live in May 2024.


Finally, the Assistant Director highlighted the work of the Building Control Team.  With new management in place the team was now equipped to deal with larger commercial schemes.


The Head of Planning Policy & Strategy explained that consultations had taken place on options for the Local Plan.  Officers were currently working on drafting the Plan and a range of evidence that would be used to inform the Local Plan.  The next consultation would be undertaken in Spring 2024.


The Head of Planning Policy and Strategy highlighted that there was currently a great deal of reform to the planning system being undertaken including the Levelling Up Acts which had received Royal Assent the previous week. It was noted that the reforms would inform the timeline of the Local Plan going forward.


In response to a question, the Assistant Director for Planning & Building Control confirmed that there had been a slight reduction in the number of planning applications coming into the service and two of the vacancies for Planning Officers had been filled with both these factors contributing to the reduction in the backlog.


The Head of Planning Policy and Strategy  confirmed that, based on the current situation, he was confident that it would be possible for the Local Authority to meet its housing targets despite the challenges facing the property sector, including the recent rises in interest rates.


It was noted, in response to a question, that the Planning, Economic Development and Regeneration Teams in the Council worked closely together.  Regular catch ups took place and there were common lines of communication.  The Regeneration Team was consulted in relation to emerging planning policies and the Chairman noted that the Regeneration Team had been a key contributor to the recent Employment Land Study.


In response to a question the Head of Planning Policy & Strategy confirmed that the Orpington SPD would be a relevant consideration in applications coming through the system.


Recognising the recent improvements in the performance of the Planning Service, the Partnership noted that 100% of major applications and 90% of minor applications were determined within the prescribed time or within an agreed extended time.  It was acknowledged that the service had come a long way.  The Assistant Director explained that the Team aimed to offer an interactive process and worked to secure positive development across the Borough.  The Team was fully staffed but constrained by resources.  The Service was currently running a budget deficit and as a result was reviewing how the resources available could be most efficiently deployed. The Government had announced an increase in application fees and the Team were looking at the impact this could have on the services provided.  The Chairman confirmed that performance was being monitoring and another backlog would not be allowed to up.  Currently it appeared that resources were aligned with demand.  The Chairman also noted that more Member briefings were being delivered prior to the committee stage. This provided developers with the opportunity to understand and address any concerns of Members prior to meetings.


A Member also noted that there appeared to be a willingness for Planning Officers to negotiate and whilst it was not always possible to reach agreement the willingness to negotiate was welcomed.  It was also recognised that there were some frustrations around the timescales involved in the pre-application process.  The Assistant Director confirmed that the service hoped to deliver improvements in this regard and would provide feedback to the Team. 


A Member also expressed concerns around outsourced Section 106 processes with delays in this process adding to the pressures of housing delivery.  It was agreed that the feedback would be provided to the legal service.


In respect of stakeholder engagement, the Assistant Director highlighted that the service had to operate within the statutory framework.  Views from all stakeholders were welcomed, and the Local Plan process provided the opportunity for stakeholders to feed into planning policy.