Agenda item

(22/04833/FULL1) - Justin Hall Beckenham Road, West Wickham, BR4 0QS




Description of application – proposal for the erection of a new school building, the refurbishment of existing buildings and an extension to Justin Hall, together with access, parking and landscaping at St David's Prep.


The Principal Planner – Major Developments advised that an additional condition would be recommended, if the application was permitted, to restrict the number of pupils to a maximum of 298.


Oral representations in objection to the application were received at the meeting. The following responses were given to Members’ questions:

  • neighbours had not looked into whether there were any European protected species in the location.
  • although they had not been on the school grounds in recent years, they remembered there being an area of ‘scrubland’ which could be levelled and converted into a car park.


Oral representations in support of the application were also received at the meeting. The Head Teacher gave the following response to Members’ questions:

  • Block A would be located on the ‘scrubland’ previously referred to – this was an area of self-seeded trees which had been cleared, and there was a track down to the school field. The new building would move nearer to the existing building, creating a wider gap between the first neighbouring house. The school was on quite a large green site, which was important to them – lots more planting would be undertaken, and a company were already looking into native trees that would enhance the whole area.
  • if permission was granted they would be happy to accept the conditions suggested by the Orpington Field Club & Bromley Biodiversity Partnership Sub-Group – to retain and protect of as many remaining trees as possible; retain of as much scrub as possible; and retain and protect the remaining ancient woodland flora (ground cover species) both during construction and afterwards, and retained trees and woodland to be protected as per Tree Survey Arboricultural Integration Report.
  • they had considered the balance between biodiversity and parking at length. Additional parking areas would be allocated as part of the development. Some members of staff lived within walking distance of the school, but this was not the case for all. If a condition was added in relation to parking, this was something that could be looked at further.
  • it was understood that a condition relating to the use of swift nest bricks had already been included. If permission was granted they would be happy to accept conditions relating to having 5 active EV charging points and water retention/conservation, as well as an informative to look at parking mitigation.
  • the school travel plan was doing quite well, but there was always room for improvement. The school had followed the LBB plan to introduce Year 6 Travel Ambassadors. Through the Smart Moves scheme children and their parents were encouraged to walk, scoot and cycle to school, and there had been a significant increase in the numbers doing so. A number of families came to school through the local park, whilst others parked further away and walked the rest of the journey. Over half the school achieved their Smart Move badges most months.
  • it was not thought that the service road could be used to lead into parking on another part of the site as this would be an area where children would be walking. However, this stretch could potentially be used for side-on parking. They were aware that parking was a key issue, and they wanted to help as much as they could.


In response to some of the points raised, the Principal Planner – Major Developments advised that there would be conditions relating to a pre-clearance strategy, tree protection measures and full details of hard and soft landscaping on site. In response to a question, the Principal Planner – Major Developments confirmed that this condition could state that this would be undertaken by a professional ecologist or arboriculturist. In relation to biodiversity enhancements, there would be a condition which would include the targeting of habitat and nesting opportunities. The drainage condition would look at any rainwater harvesting that could be appropriate on site – this would require the applicant to submit the details for consideration. The condition relating to the additional active EV charging points was noted. With regards to the parking mitigation informative, the Principal Planner – Major Developments advised that any additional parking on site would require a formal planning application, to be considered on its own merits.

The Chairman read out a written statement in support of the application, which had been received from Councillor Nicholas Bennett on behalf of the West Wickham Ward Councillors.


Members having considered the report, objections and representations, RESOLVED that PERMISSION BE GRANTED, and SUBJECT TO THE PRIOR COMPLETION OF A S106 LEGAL AGREEMENT as recommended, subject to conditions outlined within the report with wording added to conditions relating to biodiversity enhancements and landscaping, water retention, and additional active EV charging points, and an additional condition as follows;


  Restrict No. of pupils to 298


And an informative as follows;


The applicant should consider further mitigation measures to improve staff car parking at the site.

Supporting documents: