Agenda item

(22/03417/FULL1) - Downe Livery Stables, High Elms Road, Downe, Orpington, BR6 7JL




Demolition of existing stables, barns and buildings. Change of Use/regularisation of land as equestrian use, erection of stables and ancillary equestrian facilities including; site office and WCs/showers, riding arena, horse walker, amended parking, drainage, surface water attenuation and holding pond, formation of highway access. (Amended drawing).


An oral representation in support of the application was received from the Co-Owner and Proprietor of Downe Livery Stables. The Committee were informed that the plan is to upgrade the existing stables with no adverse impact on openness, the character and appearance of the site/area or on neighbouring amenities and they do not consider it to be inappropriate development. The Speaker also highlighted the amount of support received for the proposals.


In response to a question from a Committee Member regarding traffic impacts, it was stated that traffic would be considerably less than at present as the number of stables would be reduced from 39 to 26. Traffic would be coming and going at different time periods but would still decrease from current traffic volumes.


An oral representation in objection to the application was then received from a Committee Member of the Downe Residents’ Association. It was confirmed that the Residents’ Association support local business in principle and the stables would provide a good amenity for the village. However, it was felt that this particular proposal constitutes inappropriate development, would be detrimental to the character of the area and negatively impact village members. Further concerns from the Residents’ Association are contained in the Report.


Members discussed the application with views raised regarding traffic concerns. It was agreed that if approved, a condition be included to address road safety/traffic issues. In addition it was felt that a condition regarding lighting of the site and hours of operation also be included.


Members having considered the report, objections and representations RESOLVED that PERMISSION BE GRANTED as recommended, subject to the conditions set out in the report.


Additional conditions as follows:


Delivery and servicing plan


Prior to the commencement of the development hereby granted planning permission, a delivery and servicing plan shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The approved delivery and servicing plan shall be adhered to thereafter. The delivery and servicing plan shall provide for:


(i) The location and time for parking of vehicles for deliveries and servicing of the equestrian facility.

(ii) The size and type of vehicles to be used.


Reason: In the interest of the residential amenities of the area and the freeflow of traffic and conditions of safety within the adjacent highway, to comply with Policies 37 and 32 of the Bromley Local Plan.


Floodlighting – design and hours of operation


Prior to the commencement of above ground works, details of the re-located floodlighting (associated with the new single riding area) including the hours of illumination and the height, type and siting of the lighting shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. Thereafter, the agreed lighting shall be installed in accordance with the agreed details and maintained as such thereafter.


Reason: In the interest of the visual amenities of the area and to accord with Policies 37, 49, 61 and 122 of the Bromley Local Plan.


Hours of operation


The equestrian services facility shall not be open for visiting clients before 07.30 nor after 19.30 on any day of the week.


Reason: In the interest of the residential amenities of the area and to accord with the terms of the application, to comply with Policies 37 and 61 of the Bromley Local Plan.




Supporting documents: