Agenda item



SACRE members had been provided with a document drafted by the Religious Education Council—this was the ‘National Content Standard for Religious Education’. The document outlined the proposed plan for religious education called the ‘National Plan’ which would in turn explain the proposed National Content Standards that would be required to be adhered to. A significant emphasis in the National Content Plan would be on  pupils’ worldviews and how these were influenced by various factors including religion. The new guidance was non-statutory, but the ‘RE World’ was supporting it. All RE school syllabuses going forward would need to take into account the new National Plan with its proposed content. The SACRE RE Adviser explained that the subject content was categorised into three areas which were Content, Engagement and Positionality.


The SACRE RE Adviser mentioned the RE Hubs Website and that schools were now beginning to use it. It listed individuals who were available to speak about RE in schools. It was noted that only one member of Bromley SACRE was currently listed on the website, and she encouraged the other SACRE members to enrol.   ACTION: SACRE Members


A SACRE member said that she had tried to enrol on the site, but that she had not received a response, and that the course had been scheduled for 11pm. The SACRE RE Adviser explained that the time listed was an error, and advised re-enrolling for a different date and time. It was explained that once a person had enrolled, the SACRE RE Adviser would receive an email and would get in touch. 


Members were informed that NASCRE would be holding an ‘In Conversation’ event. SACRE Chairmen and Vice Chairmen had been invited. This would be held in London online on 8th November at 6.30pm. The SACRE RE Adviser stated that she was hoping to make the best use of this as a networking opportunity, and possibly for collaborative project working. The NASACRE Executive had set the agenda.


The SACRE RE Advisor stated that a briefing/guidance paper had been written to support schools with the current conflict in the Middle East, the document, ‘Teacher Support Notes during the Israel Palestine Crisis’ had been sent to primary and secondary schools in the borough on behalf of the Bromley SACRE.  The paper had then been presented to the Director of Children's Services and was also sent to the employees of Children’s Services by the Director. A request was made that the paper should also be circulated to Councillors. ACTION: SACRE RE Advisor or LBB Head of School Standards.


The paper provided guidance on the importance of using unbiased language. It was felt that teachers would benefit from a workshop to enhance their skills and confidence in promoting dialogue with pupils. The SACRE RE Advisor felt that it would support teachers if there could be an online workshop so they could talk about their concerns, and receive relevant guidance and training. Funding was required for the workshop. ACTION: SACRE RE Advisor or LBB Head of School Standards.


The SACRE RE Advisor expressed the view that an interfaith conference with pupils was desirable. She wondered if teachers thought this would be viable and a good idea. It was commented that pupils were asking questions in politics, RE and history, so this would be a good idea, as it would help teachers to understand how to navigate these conversations. It was hoped that a date for an online workshop could be found soon. It was anticipated that this workshop would take place in either January or February 2024. Doctor Katie Turner asked if she could be involved in these discussions and the workshops. 


It was advised the Bromley had received a Freedom of Information request that was in three parts:


1) To look at the agreed syllabus

2) A request for the last 5 SACRE reports

3) A summary of what the local authority had done in respect of those reports


It was believed (subsequently confirmed) that this request came from NASACRE. The recommended response from the chairman was that the local authority had sent all SACRE reports to the DfE. The Chairman invited two attendees who were representing the Bahai faith to introduce themselves. These were Mrs Iqbal Klimo and Dr Parisa Pirjamali. It was agreed that Mrs Iqbal Klimo be appointed to Bromley SACRE as the representative of the Bahai faith.


It was noted that Caroline Ringham had hosted an RE Network meeting earlier in the day. This had been very helpful for sharing and networking. The meetings were funded by School Standards. There was a Secondary RE Teacher Network Meeting scheduled for 16th November. Members were reminded that a Governor Survey had been sent out and responses were still outstanding.

ACTION: SACRE members who are School Governors.


RESOLVED that  Mrs Iqbal Klimo be appointed to Bromley SACRE as the representative of the Bahai faith.







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