Agenda item

(22/01109/FULL1) - 14 - 16 High Street, Chislehurst, BR7 5AN




Retrospective application for a replacement shopfront.


In a presentation given by the Planning Officer, Committee Members were informed that the application was previously considered by Members on 29th September 2022. The application was deferred without prejudice to seek further consideration on mitigation measures to offset the heritage objection to the new shopfront, in regard to too much unbroken glazing, the enlargement of the stall riser and a more traditional entrance door. Planning confirmed that no revised plans had been submitted following the deferral, but the Report has been put before Members again for further consideration.


An oral representation from the Agent in support of the application was received at the meeting. It was highlighted to Members that the design of the shopfront had been made to maintain the ‘rhythm’ of shop frontages on the same side of the street, and this included the lowering of the stall riser.


The Agent stated that the open and high quality design, making use of modest lettering in muted colours, is seen as a big improvement on the previous shopfront. Members were also informed that no objections to the application had been received.


In response to a question from a Committee Member regarding the design, the Agent confirmed that following the previous deferral, the design was looked into in more detail. However it was felt that no changes were needed as although it is a contemporary design, it is still in-keeping with the look of the high street.


Visiting Ward Member, Councillor Alison Stammers, gave a presentation to the Committee in support of the application. Councillor Stammers confirmed that she was also speaking on behalf of her fellow Ward Members, Councillors Mike Jack and Mark Smith.


Councillor Stammers’ view was that the shopfront was well-designed and contributes positively to the streetscape, sitting comfortably with surrounding shops. There are also several examples of low or minimal stall risers and predominantly glazed shopfronts on that side of the high street.


Additionally it does not have any detrimental impact upon the character and appearance of the building, located within the Chislehurst Conservation area. It is seen as a visual improvement to the previous shopfront.


During a discussion on the application, several Members remarked that they do not have any objections to the shopfront, agreeing that it was a simple, clean and tasteful design in-keeping with the rest of the high street. Members also discussed the importance of regulations, guidance etc being followed when shopfronts are designed.


Members having considered the report and objections, RESOLVED that PERMISSION BE GRANTED


In resolving to grant planning permission Members considered that the shopfront is a highly attractive frontage, sympathetic to its surroundings and recognised the public benefits in that it is a visual improvement on what existed before and would therefore preserve the character and appearance of the Chislehurst Conservation Area.


Members also recognised that it is a viable business attracting footfall to the High Street and adds to the local economy which would outweigh the harm identified within the Chief Planner’s Report.








Supporting documents: