Agenda item



The Application


The application as originally submitted sought a premises licence for the provision of live and recorded music, films and dance on Sunday and Monday from 12.00 to 22.00, Friday and Saturday from 12.00 to 22.30 and the supply of alcohol on Sunday and Monday from 12.00 hours until 21.30 hours and Friday and Saturday 12.00 to 22.00. The maximum capacity was stated as 9,999. While it was the intention to hold the event on the terraces, an alternative site was identified in case there were any restoration works taking place on the terraces at the time of the event.


The Applicant confirmed that a licence was required for 12 months and that the maximum capacity was to be 4,999. As a result of the amendment to the duration of the licence, it was also confirmed on behalf of the applicant that a secondary site would not be needed and that the event would take place on the terraces.


Case for the Applicant


The Applicant’s solicitor stated that his client was highly experienced and had a significant history in the delivery of comparable events. The aim was to provide a “polygon” or spatial audio event with 3D sound directed at an audiophile audience. The applicant had engaged with the ward councillors. A comprehensive set of conditions had been agreed with the police. A copy of the conditions was included with the applicant’s outline submissions. This provided for three event days during 2024. An Event Safety Management Plan (ESMP) would be developed in discussion with the Safety Advisory Group, which would include as a minimum the Council, the Police and the Crystal Palace Park Trust. The matters to be included in the ESMP would be defined by condition. A suitable Security and Stewarding company would be appointed to ensure public safety and to prevent crime and disorder. An event and site-specific Risk Assessment and Fire Risk Assessment would be carried out. A Traffic and Transport plan would also be developed.


Representations and the Case for the Objectors


The Council had received 14 written objections which raised issues concerning noise pollution, traffic and parking, safety, environmental impact and access. A particular concern related to the possible use of the secondary area which had now been withdrawn from the application. One of the objectors attended and spoke to the hearing but withdrew his objection after hearing the secondary area was not in the application.


Reasons for decision


The committee considered the amended application, the written and oral representations, the Council’s Statement of Licensing Policy and statutory guidance. The committee felt that a new premises licence could be granted for the Polygon event without harm to the licensing objectives including the prevention of public nuisance. A detailed list of conditions had been prepared which are exhibited as an Appendix to this decision. These conditions would ensure that the necessary plans and risk assessments would be prepared for the event. Many of the objections related to the secondary site, but this was no longer part of the application. The committee judged that the remaining objections could be overcome through the careful planning required by the conditions. The event itself would last for no longer than 3 days which the committee felt was not unreasonable. The event would also be considered by the Safety Advisory Group.




That the application for a new premises licence for Full Fat Events at Crystal Palace Park Thicket Road, Penge, London SE20 8DT be granted as follows:


Provision of Live and Recorded Music, Films and Dance: Sunday and Monday 12.00 hours to 22.00 hours, Friday and Saturday 12.00 hours to 22.30 hours.


Sale of alcohol, Sunday and Monday 12.00 hours to 21.30 hours, Friday and Saturday 12.00 hours to 22.00 hours.


AND SUBJECT to the conditions attached at the Appendix to this decision.

Supporting documents: