Agenda item

(23/02774/NDFLAT) - Summerfield, 3 Freelands Road, Bromley, BR1 3AG.




Following the presentation from Planning, an oral representation in support of the application was received from the Agent. Members were informed that the proposed plan to increase the existing development by one storey was planned to fit in with other buildings in the vicinity. The design was chosen to distinguish between the old and new parts of the building, with it felt to have no negative impact on local amenities.


In response to a question from a Member, the Agent confirmed that the proposed material for the additional storey was zinc cladding, but they are prepared to submit further details regarding an alternative to satisfy any conditions imposed if required.


Visiting Ward Member, Councillor Kate Lymer, then gave an oral representation in objection to the application. Members heard that as existing buildings on either side are four-storey, it was felt that the appearance of the building with an additional storey would disrupt the building height line and appear out of place. The addition of an extra storey would be obtrusive and not hidden away.


Councillor Lymer added that you couldn’t compare existing buildings/blocks of flats in quieter residential roads with those on a busier main road. Members also heard that the proposed materials and finish for the extra storey was not an appropriate design and would not fit-in with existing buildings. Finally, it was highlighted that there have been 25 local objections to this application. Councillor Lymer requested that her presentation be included in the Minutes of the meeting.


Ward Councillor and Committee Member, Councillor Kira Gabbert, addressed Members to support Councillor Lymer’s comments and objections, stating that she felt it wasn’t the right location for this development, being that it is in a quiet residential area.


During discussions it was mentioned that although the addition of three residential units would be welcome, it still has to be considered appropriate development and be an acceptable design/plan.


Members having considered the Report, objections and representations RESOLVED that PRIOR APPROVAL BE REFUSED for the following reason:


The proposal, by reason of design, height and scale, and relationship with the host property and the neighbouring properties would appear as an over dominant and incongruous addition to the existing building which would detract from the visual amenity of the street scene and would be detrimental to the neighbouring residents outlook, contrary to conditions A.2.(1)(e) and (g) of Schedule 2, Part 20, Class A of The Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (England) Order 2015 (as amended) and Chapter 12 of the NPPF (2023).




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