Agenda item

(23/02677/FULL6) - 51 Furzehill Square, Orpington, BR5 3SN




A presentation of the application was given by Planning during which it was noted Cllr Slator had emailed Members, following which an oral representation in support of the application was received from the applicant.


Members were informed that the applicant had lived at the property for 22 years and now wanted to add a bit more space. The applicant explained that he had a good relationship with all his neighbours and they all supported the application. It was considered to be quite a conservative plan/extension.


Ward Councillor and Committee Member, Councillor Sean Slator, gave an oral representation in support of the application, confirming that he had called-in the application on behalf of the three St Mary Cray Councillors. It was highlighted that neighbours were happy to fully support the application, considered to be a modest extension when compared to larger extensions previously approved in the area.


Members having considered the Report and representations RESOLVED that PERMISSION BE GRANTED, for the following reason:

Bearing in mind the length of the garden at the application site and of neighbouring properties and the lack of objections, it is not considered that the proposal would have sufficient adverse impacts on neighbouring amenities to justify refusal.

Delegated authority to the Assistant Director of Planning to impose such conditions as he considers necessary.






Supporting documents: