Agenda item





A Member asked if schools had recycling facilities. The Head of Environmental Strategy, Technical Support and Commissioning responded that some schools had paper collections, but in general this was not taking place as schools were classed as commercial entities. The Member expressed some concern at this, as he felt it would be beneficial to encourage young people to be responsible citizens. It was noted that the Council was in talks with Veolia in the hope that this practice could be implemented in the future. It was noted that the number of diffusion tubes monitoring nitrogen dioxide had been increased. Eythan Soysa from BYC (Bromley Youth Council), informed Members that Saint Olave’s had undertaken dry mixed recycling since the 2021/22 academic year and was raising funding for a food composter.


The Portfolio Holder for Transport, Highways and Road Safety drew attention to the Crossover Working Group which was intended to be a one off working party, and he asked for volunteers. The volunteers were as follows:


·  Cllr Alisa Igoe

·  Cllr Alison Stammers

·  Cllr Adam Grant

·  Cllr Keith Onslow

·  Cllr Will Rowlands

·  Cllr Nicholas Bennett


A Member noted that the report mentioned the likelihood of increased localised flooding and he queried what the evidence base for this was. It was noted that any blocked drains could be reported on FMS. The matter of recycling for flats above shops was also mentioned and it was the case that currently no further progress had been made regarding this, but it was planned for this to be considered as part of the extension of the Veolia contract.


A Member queried how the EV gulley charging scheme was progressing and the matter of autonomous vehicles was also raised. It was pointed out that progress regarding autonomous vehicles was not straightforward, as it would involve changes to the road network which were complex and also to communication systems. Members were informed that the gulley charging scheme trial had been successful and the Council was heading to market and would progress with implementation as soon as practically possible.


A Member pointed out that to refer to ‘net zero’ on its own in the draft plan was misleading, because the Council had only agreed to pursue net zero on direct emissions. The Member requested that this be made clear in the report. He also referred to the various cycling schemes mentioned in the report and expressed the view that such cycling schemes should be demand led. He asked if this could also be made clear in the final Portfolio Plan.  He referenced the cycling scheme in Crofton Road which he said had cost in the region of £1m but was very much underused.


Councillor Onslow requested that any previous reports with respect to EV charging gulleys be emailed to him for his information. A discussion took place as to whether or not crossovers and gulleys were interconnected.


It was pointed out that London had a Route 7 bus route which used hydrogen fuelled buses, but due to current technological limitations the buses were  frequently off the road.


RESOLVED that the Portfolio Holders be recommended to support the aims, outcomes and performance measures as outlined in the Draft Portfolio Plan.



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