Agenda item

Leisure Centres Major Works Programme - Approval to Proceed Part 1 (Public) Report


Report HPR2024/004A


The report requested approval to proceed with construction works within the Leisure Centres Major Works Programme for the West Wickham and Walnuts Leisure Centres.


The Chairman welcomed the proposals which had been developed following extensive consultation with local residents and represented a significant investment in delivering high quality leisure services in the Borough into the future.  The Portfolio Holder agreed, adding that the Leisure Centre Major Works Programme was being primarily funded by the Local Authority via the Operational Property Review Capital Budget with additional funds secured from other sources including the Tenant Operator and various grants and as such, it would be crucial to proceed with the works in a timely manner to de-risk against any loss of funding.  Whilst the vast majority of members of the public had expressed support for the proposed improvements to the Walnuts and West Wickham Leisure Centres, a number of questions or requests for clarification had been received and a comprehensive Frequently Asked Questions document was in development and would be published shortly.


In response to a question from a Member, the Senior Regeneration Programme Manager explained that the timeframe for the planned programme of works had not changed but that an additional period had been scheduled for enabling works at West Wickham Leisure Centre in relation to identified structural issues for which additional funding had been requested.  There was no reduction in the level of funding allocated for the programme of works at the Walnuts or West Wickham Leisure Centres.  Another Member asked whether any part of the Walnuts Leisure Centre would be permanently closed.  The Senior Regeneration Programme Manager reported that the existing learner pool would be closed, representing 3% of the on-site footprint, but that the soft play, sports hall and studio areas of the site would remain in use in their current form.  A Member asked how cost escalation would be dealt with if further issues were identified at the Walnuts or West Wickham Leisure Centres and the Head of Regeneration advised that a further report would be brought to the Committee and the Council’s Executive where any such concerns were identified.  In response to a further question from a Member, the Head of Regeneration confirmed that in her view, the structural issues at West Wickham Leisure Centre had been identified at the earliest possible time and that this had been an unforeseen issue.


With regard to the use of the two leisure centres during the period of works, the Senior Regeneration Programme Manager clarified that West Wickham Leisure Centre had already closed due to structural issues and could not reopen until construction works had been completed.  The Walnuts Leisure Centre currently remained open and works on this site would be phased between wet and dry facilities, allowing a certain degree of access during the construction period.  A Member queried whether operating hours could be extended at other leisure centres during the closure periods, and the Senior Regeneration Programme Manager confirmed that discussions were ongoing with Mytime Active on how additional users could best be accommodated.  Mytime Active members already had unlimited access to swimming, gym and exercise classes at all of Mytime Active’s centres.


The Senior Regeneration Programme Manager was pleased to advise that accessibility had been a key area of focus in developing the Major Works Programme with Changing Places facilities at both leisure centres and Poolpod lifts to provide people with independent and comfortable access to the swimming pools.  Other benefits of the programme included the installation of a competition-length pool at the Walnuts Leisure Centre and solar panels on West Wickham Leisure Centre.  A Member queried plans to site the learner and main pools in the same pool hall at the Walnuts Leisure Centre.  The Senior Regeneration Programme Manager explained that this was the preferred model of the operator which did not anticipate any issues.  The tandem siting would also benefit families with children of different swimming abilities.  Another Member asked about the plans to reduce the size of the learner pool at West Wickham Leisure Centre by 24% and was advised that the operator had confirmed that the proposal would not impact the swimming lesson offer.


A Member asked whether it would be the Local Authority or tenant operator’s responsibility for delivering future improvements across the two leisure centres once the major works programme had been completed.  The Senior Regeneration Programme Manager reported that the Local Authority proposed entering into a Full Repair and Insurance Lease with the tenant operator.  Both the tenant operator and the Council would continue to pursue grant applications to further enhance the leisure centres, with a view to ensuring that those who lived, worked and studied in the Borough benefitted from the highest quality leisure services.  A Member asked about heating and the Assistant Director: Culture and Regeneration confirmed that the heating infrastructure across the Walnuts estate was being updated and would move away from the District Heating model with all units having a dedicated heating system and a further update would be provided to Members following the meeting.


RESOLVED: That the Council’s Executive be recommended to:


General Recommendations

1)  Delegate authority to the Director for Housing, Planning, Property and Regeneration, in consultation with the Renewal, Recreation and Housing Portfolio Holder, to enter into a Full Repair and Insurance Lease, up to a period terminating no later than March 31st 2059, with the tenant operator named in the Part 2 report, after works are completed for both West Wickham and the Walnuts Leisure Centres, as set out in paragraphs 3.2 to 3.6 of the Part 2 report (Report HPR2024/004B);


2)  Approve the acceptance of £296k grant funding from Sport England to fund solar panels and pool covers at West Wickham Leisure Centre;


3)  Subject to plans remaining within budget at the end of RIBA 4, delegate authority to the Director of Housing, Planning and Regeneration, in consultation with the Director of Corporate Services, to enter into a Development Agreement with Alliance Leisure Services to deliver the works and services (project management and quantity surveying) contained within this report for both the West Wickham and Walnuts Leisure Centres;


4)  Approve the release of £640,750 from the Section 106 Carbon Offset Fund scheme, as accrued through developer contribution, for air handling units and building energy management systems to support additional carbon reduction and improved energy efficiency of both the Walnuts and West Wickham leisure centres;


5)  Delegate authority to the Director of Environment and Public Protection, in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Environment and the Director of Housing, Planning and Regeneration, to approve the allocation of additional Section 106 Carbon Offset Funding, up to 20%, should there be an overspend on the installation of air handling units and building energy management systems;


6)  Delegate authority to the Director of Environment and Public Protection, in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Environment and the Director of Housing, Planning and Regeneration, to approve the allocation of additional Section 106 Carbon Offset Funding, up to £150k, for further identified carbon reduction projects during the leisure centre major works programme;


7)  Approve the acceptance of a £1M contribution from the tenant operator towards the major works;


Walnuts Leisure Centre

8)  Approve £10.949M from the Operational Property Review’s (OPR) budget for leisure centres to fund the proposed works and services at the Walnuts Leisure Centre;


9)  Approve an additional budget of £232,310 above the OPR allowance, funded from OPR Contingency (see Paragraph 6.4 of Report HPR2024/004A), required to deliver the major works;


10)  Approve the plans for the Walnuts Leisure Centre as set out on pages 30-32 of the Part 1 Appendices and laid out in paragraphs 3.38-3.55 of Report HPR2024/004A;


11)  To note that any Planning Applications required will be submitted;


  West Wickham Leisure Centre


12)  Approve £402,390 from the OPR’s budget for leisure centres to fund the proposed enabling works package at West Wickham Leisure Centre;


13)  Approve £15.374M from the OPR’s budget for leisure centres to fund the proposed works and services at West Wickham Leisure Centre;


14)  Approve an additional budget of £550,000, above the OPR allowance, funded from OPR Contingency (see 6.4 of Report HPR2024/004A), required to deliver the major works as a result of the major structural issues at this site;


15)  Approve the plans for West Wickham Leisure Centre as set out on pages 12-13 of the Part 1 Appendices and laid out in paragraphs 3.56-3.67 of Report HPR2024/004; and,


16)  To note that any Planning Applications required will be submitted.

Supporting documents: