Agenda item



The SACRE RE Adviser noted that the results of the school Governor survey had been included in the agenda pack. Key highlights included: 34 completed surveys had been received; most schools did not have a named Governor for RE, but some would now consider doing so; and most Governors said they wanted to continue to be informed or receive training about RE.


In relation to question 8, the SACRE RE Adviser noted that all school websites should state which RE curriculum was taught, and it was also suggested that the subject lead be listed. The SACRE RE Adviser proposed that a further exercise be undertaken to look at the Bromley school websites to see what information was available, and asked if SACRE Members could assist. It was noted that a Google Form had already been devised to capture this information. Following a brief discussion, it was agreed that SACRE Members would be provided with a list of Bromley school websites for them to review.   

ACTION: SACRE RE Adviser / Clerk / SACRE Members


The SACRE RE Adviser noted that the Bromley RE Agreed Syllabus document was available on the Bromley Education Matters website. It was suggested that, in future, videos/pictures of pupils’ work could also be uploaded  alongside this to celebrate the good work being done in schools and promote the Bromley Agreed Syllabus. A Member noted that this linked with question 5 of the Governor survey where 18 schools had claimed to be following the Bromley Agreed Syllabus, however it had been established that five of these schools were not actually doing so. The SACRE RE Adviser informed SACRE Members that academies were legally obliged to follow a locally agreed syllabus unless their funding agreement with the Department for Education (DfE) stated otherwise. With regards to Church of England schools, in February 2019 a statement was released outlining the directive that they should follow their locally agreed syllabus in the first instance, with other Diocesan curriculum and syllabus materials being provided, such as London Diocesan Board for Schools syllabus, which could be adopted if it was felt this was not of a sufficient standard. With regards to question 9, a number of Governors had said they did not know if there were RE displays in their school – the SACRE RE Adviser said she had asked about displays in schools as this was something they could ask questions about during their next visit.


The SACRE RE Advisor highlighted that a significant number of Governors said they wanted to receive training in relation to RE – it was suggested that consideration may need to be given to holding a session on RE for Governors/non teachers. This could potentially be combined with a SACRE event, providing sessions/workshops demonstrating ‘good RE’. The Chairman agreed that this was a good idea, and noted that he had previously provided input for Governor training. Following the most recent session he had been contacted by Governors who had highlighted that they did not know what questions to ask, and it may be helpful to provide them with some guidance. The LBB Head of School Standards advised that the Local Authority held Governor Forums and Governor Briefings, and suggested that training could be provided at a future session. In response to a question, the LBB Head of School Standards confirmed that these sessions received lots of engagement from academies.


In response to a question from a Member, who suggested holding a wider community event to showcase religions and worldviews, the SACRE RE Adviser said that the school Special Objects Project had culminated in a school community event, attended by parents and faith leaders. In response to questions from another SACRE Member, the SACRE RE Adviser highlighted the need to engage more with Headteachers. It was known that schools struggled with curriculum time and the subjects that were moderated would be prioritised. It was considered that a Headteacher survey may need to be undertaken in the future.


The LBB Head of Educational Effectiveness said that there may be an opportunity to link with school leaders via other networks. There was a mental health forum, which was very well attended, and thought could be given to including an RE item on a future agenda. Consideration could also be given to providing some form of training at the Governor Forum held in the summer term. The SACRE RE Adviser noted that, if they were successful in their bid for Westhill Funding, thought could be given to developing inter faith workshops for various audiences.


A Member highlighted that very few people knew about the good work being undertaken by the SACRE – it was suggested that an article could be included in the Local Authority’s magazine. Following a discussion, it was agreed that the SACRE RE Adviser would record a video, which included input from SACRE Members, providing an introduction to the SACRE – it was noted that this could also be used by Councillors during their group meetings.



The Chairman requested that a meeting be arranged between himself, the LBB Head of Educational Effectiveness, LBB Head of School Standards and SACRE RE Adviser to discuss taking forward the proposals suggested. 

  ACTION: Clerk


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