Agenda item


o UKSPF Bromley Business Growth

o Digital Infrastructure

o Town Centres – night strategy update


(A) UKSPF Bromley Business Growth


The LBB Economic Development Manager Ose Akpom explained that there were four elements of the programme – (i) the Suppliers Bromley programme, aiming to facilitate supply-chain opportunities, (ii) Growth Builder, providing support for businesses to grow, (iii) the existing Start-up Bromley for entrepreneurs and (iv) the Bromley business hub. More SMEs were being engaged on the programme but fewer entrepreneurs – Start-up Bromley would be looking to address this.


There were comments that the launch event had not been promoted widely enough and that some businesses were not aware of it. Officers would renew their efforts to promote it using a range of approaches and networks. There were also comments that the new Council magazine was not reaching every household as intended – the magazine was also on the Council website –


Our Bromley Magazine (Page 29 for Bromley Business Growth).


In terms of KPIs, Jobs created was on target, but jobs safeguarded looked behind target, although this was due to delayed reporting. Other outcomes were improving. A new element was the Green Mark award which highlighted carbon reduction and environmental management – this was being piloted across 10 SMEs. 


(B) Strategic Investment Fund - Digital Infrastructure


Bromley had received £937,744 funding from the Strategic Infrastructure Fund grant in kind awarded by TfL to extend a full fibre network to connect 21 Council sites across the Borough. This would be in place by December 2024, and access would be extended to other public sector and commercial organisations, and to priority areas such as Biggin Hill and the Cray Valley.


(C) Economic Strategy Refresh


Daniel Murray reported that the Economic Strategy 2021-23 was due a refresh – a growth plan would be shared at the Partnership’s next meeting. This would be followed by consultation over the summer and final approval at the October meeting.


(D) Town Centres – Night Strategy update


The LBB Town Centres Manager, Lorraine McQuillan, gave a presentation on Bromley’s Night Time Enterprise Zone. Several of events had been held throughout 2023. The events had generated a 107% increase in footfall between 6pm and 9pm, and had particularly attracted people from outside the Borough. There had been an effective social media campaign and the @BR1 Lates Instagram page was still active.  A business toolkit had been developed, some additional lighting and electricity supply had been installed and the Good Work Bromley campaign had aimed to reinforce high standards of employment practice.


On the back of this success, it was proposed to extend the benefits and learnings to the whole Borough through a new strategy. An evidence base had been commissioned. There would be a consultation with businesses, residents and night workers. In particular, the strategy would attempt to future-proof town centres by ensuring that they were not wholly reliant on retail. A report was available on all the Night Time Enterprise Zones (Vauxhall and Woolwich, as well as Bromley.)


The Chairman commented that the report reflected Bromley in a very good light, and she offered her thanks to all those involved. However, the funding had now been spent, and Bromley would have to be creative to build on what had been achieved, including for other town centres. Ms McQuillan confirmed that they were actively seeking sources of external funding.


RESOLVED that the updates be noted.