Agenda item



Attending the meeting on behalf of the Directorate were Jonathan Northfield, Interim Service Director, and Onyekachi Nwankwo, Head of Nursing and Quality.


Members heard from the Report Author, Jonathan Northfield, that the Directorate had continued to work with all stakeholders and partners to ensure the provision of quality services which were responsive to the care and support needs of all users. Work had continued with the 5 year Strategy; ‘Aiming High, Changing Lives’ and the Trust’s five strategic ambitions. Regular strategic meetings were held to engage with the local community.


Working collaboratively enabled the focus to be on prevention, with early intervention being important. The work with community services was currently undergoing transformation to improve the quality of care offered. The workforce was being developed to reflect the changes in the market and the support needs of users, and a wider range of staff were now being called on to meet those needs.


Members noted that the access measures at Bethlem Royal Hospital had slowly eased to allow the site and its facilities to be widely used by the public once again, with the grounds offering access for dog walking, local clubs and the popular ‘Park Run’. Public exhibitions at the Museum of the Mind were also heavily utilised by the public, together with a number of school visits.


The Certitude Supported Housing Scheme of 3 units of 12 flats at ‘The Orchards’ continued to provide accommodation to support the recovery of users and their needs. Members were informed that there had been a reduction in the number of reports of anti-social behaviour over the last year, both in and outside of the units, and this was testament to the work being done in this setting.


The speaker explained to Members that the low secure residential forensic rehabilitation unit ‘Ward in the Community’ was still planned to be transitioned  from its current site at Lambeth Hospital, to the Bethlem Royal Hospital site. However, as this was part of wider planned works, the move was delayed and now expected to take place in late 2024.


Members were informed of the continuation of the adherence to the Bromley Protocol regarding the reporting of AWOL (absence without leave) cases to previously agreed groups, with all AWOL cases being reviewed. AWOLs were always a concern, but they could be a part of an individual’s recovery journey. The majority of AWOL cases were from those who were on pre-agreed and signed-off medical leave.


The Directorate was pleased to inform Members that although there were 11 AWOL incidents in the past year, this was a significant reduction when compared to the 25 incidents in the previous year. Leave and AWOL training was continuously reviewed, in conjunction with the Police and other services.


The Chairman thanked Mr Northfield for the positive and reassuring Report, particularly with Members’ previous concerns regarding AWOL cases. Several Members added their congratulations and thanks to the Directorate for their work at Bethlem, noting the reduction in AWOL cases and the good links and communication with the Police and other partners. Councillor Tickner declared that he had previously taken part in the ‘Park Run’ in the grounds of the hospital.


Concerns were raised regarding patients with mental health issues and their attendance at Bromley GP surgeries, particularly in relation to cases where the Police were called but did not attend. In response, Mr Northfield confirmed that the majority of Bethlem residents would not be registered or attending Bromley GP surgeries. However, there were Community Mental Health Teams and Primary Care Nurses available to deal with such cases when required. The Chairman informed Members that the Metropolitan Police were due to attend the next PP&E PDS meeting and could be asked to respond to questions regarding non-attendance of Police at such incidents.


RESOLVED that the Croydon and Behavioural and Developmental Psychology Operations Directorate update be noted.







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