Agenda item



The Director of Adult Services gave an update to Members on work being undertaken across the Adult Services department.


The Director of Adult Services informed Members that Donna Glover, the new Director of Adult Services would start in post on the 9th September, taking over as the Statutory Director on the 23rd September 2024. Support would be provided to the new Director of Adult Services for a few weeks after she took over the role, and they would both be attending the next Adult Care and Health Policy Development and Scrutiny Committee on the 10th September.


The Director of Adult Services said she was pleased to note the year-end budget position, which was a slightly improved position on that predicted at the end of Quarter 3. This left the Directorate better placed to manage within the available resources this year, but this would by no means be an easy task. The team had started to identify potential efficiencies for future years to reduce the overall corporate budget gap.


Members were informed that a report would be presented later in the meeting regarding the Digital Strategy. This formalised plans to work with a partner to deliver an improved digital offer to the population that encouraged less reliance on formal services, improved the information and advice offer and assisted with reducing demand on staff to deliver assessment of both need and finances. In the next few weeks the Council would formally go out to tender to attract the strategic partner to deliver the Transformation Programme over the next two years. The Director of Adult Services noted that this was an officer decision, but she would ensure that Members were provided with the detail of this process at the next meeting.


Members were advised that, building on the relationship with the Social Care Institute for Excellence (SCIE), the department had been directly approached to take part in some national work they were leading on with the Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC) to increase the transformation of a number of service areas. They had reflected that for two of the workstreams, Digital and Co-Production, Bromley was well ahead, but it was intended to bid to work with them to review opportunities around Safeguarding and the delivery of Housing options for Older People. Both of these were areas identified as a priority, so they were hopeful of success with one of the bids. There was no financial commitment for the Council for this work, but potential for kudos as work would be shared with others across the country.


The Director of Adult Services noted that the department had recently reported on three further internal audits: Safeguarding of Adults, Learning Disability and the Quality of Residential Care. The Safeguarding Audit provided Limited Assurance and had a robust action plan in place to address the areas highlighted. The work with SCIE would assist with delivering the action plan hence the interest in bidding for this programme. The Learning Disability Audit was given Reasonable Assurance and the Quality of Residential Care was given Substantial Assurance. All of these audits had provided a useful steer on areas to address prior to the CQC Assurance visit. In response to a question, the Director of Adult Services confirmed that a report in relation to the Safeguarding of Adults Audit could be provided to Members of the Committee.


Members were informed that the joint Carers Charter, which sought to better support unpaid carers, would be launched during Carers Week which was currently taking place. The Director of Adult Services noted that a copy of the Adult Social Care Strategy had been tabled.


The Director of Adult Services said that in preparing her handover she had the chance to review the work overseen during her time in Bromley and to reflect on the changes and improvements that the team had put in place. The Director of Adult Services put on record her thanks to Bromley for the opportunity afforded to end her professional career in the borough and thanked the team and all Members for their support during some challenging times and in delivering some really brave change.


RESOLVED that the update be noted.