Agenda item



Report DRR10/00127


Further to Minute 45 (21st July 2010 refers), the Executive received a report on the results of the consultations in respect of option 3 relating to the extension of the Borough’s museum into part of the vacated Orpington library building to create an ‘arts and heritage hub’, together with potential funding arrangements.


The Assistant Director of Renewal and Recreation introduced the report and briefly outlined the overall aims of the project.  Consultations had taken place with various associated organisations and individuals over the past months and included an open consultation session held at The Priory which was promoted to museum and library users.  Arising from these discussions the results showed that the majority of people welcomed and supported the concept of:-


·  Expanding the museum service into part of the vacated public library;

·  Improving the visitor facilities; and

·  Broadening the scope of the museum offer.


Following advice from English Heritage and the Heritage Lottery Fund, a pre-application had been made to the Fund’s Heritage Grants Programme and further discussions subsequently held with them.  The outcome was very positive with the Heritage Lottery Fund (HLF) strongly encouraging the Council to pursue its application, although it was appreciated there was no guarantee that the funding would be approved.  A recent amendment to their funding criteria meant that the HLF now funded up to 90% of a project’s costs, expecting the other 10% to be found by the applicant.  On this basis with the museum project estimated to cost £3m, including fees, a grant of £2.7m could be forthcoming from the HLF with Bromley having to provide £300,000 towards the project costs. Approval was therefore being sought to submit a first stage application for which more detailed work was required, including specialist advice costing £22,000.  This cost could be covered in the budget but Members were advised that a significant part of the design costs could also be the subject of a bid that would still further reduce the Council’s financial contribution.  Attention was drawn to the fact that up to the second stage there was no commitment by the Council.


The Portfolio Holder for Renewal and Recreation spoke enthusiastically about the proposals which had been discussed by the Renewal and Recreation PDS Committee the previous evening.  The members had supported the recommendation and Councillor Benington encouraged the Executive to approve a first stage application to the Heritage Lottery Fund.  The Chairman considered this to be a good news item for Orpington and commented on the need to ensure that the usage of the building could be widened out to cater for as broad a spectrum of interests as possible.  The Assistant Director agreed that this would be part of the development proposals.  In response to a question concerning the future running costs of the project he explained that a cautious approach had been taken at this early stage. However, he was confident that the additional revenue generated by the project would cover the costs and there were still other avenues to explore such as partnership working but this would be for future consideration. 


RESOLVED that approval be given for a first stage application to be made to the Heritage Lottery Fund and a further report be submitted back to the Executive on the outcome of this bid.




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