Agenda item

(23/00429/FULL6) - Abbots Park House, Orpington Road, Chislehurst, BR7 6RA.




Proposed outbuilding with carport, first floor leisure accommodation including three pitched roof dormers and rooflights.


During the Planning Officer’s presentation, confirmation was given to Members of the recommendation for refusal for the reasons stated on page 19 of the Report.


An oral representation in support of the application was then received on behalf of the Applicant. With regard to concerns raised with the site situated within the Marlings Park Estate Area of Special Residential Character (ASRC), Members heard that it was felt that the front of the house was well shielded by trees and not in view from the neighbouring property at Kyrle House. The Chislehurst Society had also not provided any comments or concerns with the application and proposed plans. The Speaker stated that the design of the outbuilding would be sympathetic to both the house and the surrounding area.


Members heard of the frustration caused by the issuing of three TPOs on trees at the property in close proximity to the siting of the outbuilding. The Speaker informed Members that when the project started there were no TPOs in place and that the surrounding trees were a key feature of the design, with the desire to keep the trees in place.


In response to Members’ questions the Speaker stated that:


-  There was heavy gravel soil on the site and the piles would only have a limited impact on about 5% of the root protection area.

-  It was not felt that an Arboriculturist would be able to give Officers any more information regarding the impact of the proposals on the surrounding trees.

-  A considerable amount of money has been spent on the pruning and upkeep of trees on the property and will continue to be spent, including those trees with a TPO in place.

-  There were no current plans for the outbuilding to be used as self-contained living quarters. It was to be used as an entertaining space but could change in the future.


An oral representation was then received from visiting Ward Member, Councillor Mark Smith. Members were informed that the original application was made in February 2023, and therefore there were concerns over the lengthy amount of time it had taken for the application to actually come before a Plans Sub-Committee and the chance for the Applicant to present their case/views. Councillor Smith felt that the proposed plans would have a minimal impact on the surrounding trees and confirmed that the Applicants do take care of the trees on their property. Members were asked that if they felt unable to approve the application then would they be minded to consider a deferral with the applicants requested to provide any further information deemed appropriate.


During discussions Members agreed that there were concerns over the time taken for this application to come before the committee, but that the application put before them had to be considered on its individual merits. Some Members agreed that the application was of a large scale, would be visually dominant and out of character with the Marlings Park Estate Area of Special Residential Character and not meet the requirements of the Bromley Local Plan.


Other Members stated that as they did not feel the proposal was too overbearing, they would support a deferral of the application in order for the Applicant to  provide a full detailed survey of the trees.


Members having considered the Report, objections and representations RESOLVED that the APPLICATION BE REFUSED for the reasons stated in the Report.


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