Agenda item



Report ACH24-032


The Committee considered a report providing an update on the delivery of the Tackling Loneliness Strategy Action Plan. The Tackling Loneliness Strategy was approved by the Adult Care and Health Policy Development and Scrutiny Committee in November 2021 and was launched later that year. At the time, Members were advised that an updated action plan would be brought to the Committee with evidence of progress throughout the lifetime of the Strategy.


The Principal Loneliness Champion advised that key highlights included:


-  The London Borough of Bromley Tackling Loneliness Workshop started in March 2023 – 349 people had attended the workshop so far, and it had been delivered within Bromley as well as globally.

-  Bromley Well continued to offer a service to reduce isolation and loneliness and enhance the befriending offer across all pathways in the service. From January–March 2024, 66 people have received 1 to 1 befriending support from a dedicated volunteer, with 867 befriending phone calls made to those waiting for 1 to 1 support.

-  Six ‘Big Lunches’ had been planned across the borough in June 2024 to bring residents together in locations highlighted through London’s Festival of Architecture. Community initiatives would be promoted to increase social connection at these events.

-  The London Borough of Bromley was carrying out research in the form of a survey to understand what impact local groups were having on residents regarding their experience of loneliness and isolation. So far 249 responses had been received to date. The data suggested that from joining a local group, users were more likely to feel more connected to their community – the current results showed a 23% increase in connectivity and a reduction in loneliness.

-  Simply Connect Bromley, a service e-directory for residents, had received over 72,000 page views over the last 12 months.


Members noted that the Tackling Loneliness Strategy had won the Gold iESE Transformation Public Sector award, in the Community & Customer Focus category in March 2024, and congratulations were extended to all involved in this work. A Member highlighted that it was positive to see some of Bromley’s policies being implemented around the world.


Councillor Botting noted that, as Members’ Champion, he had sent a number of requests to encourage uptake of the Tackling Loneliness Workshop – however, only 18 Members had currently completed it. It was emphasised that Members regularly met with residents and this training provided an insight into what some may be experiencing. A Member agreed that the Workshop was enjoyable and informative, and asked if there was anything that could be done to encourage uptake. The Principal Loneliness Champion said that she was extremely flexible in terms of offering dates, and could attend Group meetings. It was agreed that Members would take this proposal back to their Groups.


A Member advised that she had contacted the Principal Loneliness Champion on behalf of a resident – they had been able to pinpoint nearby activities on the Simply Connect Bromley database, and it was considered that Members should also be helping to promote this resource.


RESOLVED that the progress made in delivering the Tackling Loneliness Strategy Action Plan 2022–2026 be noted.


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