Agenda item



Report ACH24-030


The Committee considered a report providing an update for the second half of the 2023-24 Portfolio Plan and a refresh of the Adult Care and Health Portfolio Plan for 2024-25.


The Adult Care and Health Portfolio Plan was refreshed each year in line with the Council’s Transformation Programme and the Corporate Strategy ‘Making Bromley Even Better’. Within each priority were a number of statements which were underpinned by actions and measures of success within the work of Adult Care and Health Services. In the second half of 2023-24, progress had been made on all of the actions within the Portfolio Plan.


The Portfolio Plan 2024-25 focused on two of the ambitions from Making Bromley Even Better:

-  Ambition 2 - for adults and older people to enjoy fulfilled and successful lives in Bromley, ageing well, retaining independence and making choices; and,

-  Ambition 5 - to manage our resources well, providing value for money, and efficient and effective services for Bromley’s residents.


It was noted that the Plan also aligned with the Adult Social Care Strategy.


In response to questions, the Director of Adult Services noted that, as agreed earlier in the meeting, a report on the Safeguarding of Adults Audit would be provided to the Committee. Concerns had been raised in the audit however opportunities to identify the positive work undertaken had been missed – this had been challenged, and there had been a shift in the response from the external auditor. A robust plan was being developed to ensure responses could be quality checked – they were looking to work with SCIE to receive further external scrutiny and provide reassurance that practice was matching policy and expectations. In response to a question from a Co-opted Member regarding any learning/practices that could be taken from Children’s Services, the Director of Adult Services said that this was often discussed, particularly in terms of  transition. It was noted that safeguarding of adults had less of a legal framework around it. The main difference was that people were encouraged to take risks in order to maintain their independence, but there was some learning that could be taken.


With regards to the review of the hospital social work team to better support the pathway, the Director of Adult Services said that this would not involve additional resource. The review would ensure that work being undertaken by the hospital social work team was aligned to reflect the changed pathways that had been put in place – this included undertaking assessments in an individual’s own home, rather than in a hospital setting. The hospital social work team were linking with the award-winning single point of assessment (SPA) to move individuals through the pathway as quickly as possible and in to long-term support.


A Member noted that some of the services were currently held in venues that were facing closure. In response to questions, the Assistant Director for Integrated Commissioning advised that meetings/discussions were taking place with organisations and ongoing support would be provided. It was emphasised that if any decisions were made they would be mindful of the locality of the people who used the services, as well as how they accessed them.


A Member welcomed the work that was underway with registered social landlords to develop opportunities, as part of the Housing with Care Strategy which incorporated plans to develop Extra Care Housing. In response to questions, the Assistant Director for Integrated Commissioning said that with regards to day opportunities for older people, despite accommodation presenting some issues, 20 new schemes had been introduced over the last year. It was noted that the business case for a new Council owned older people’s care home was in progress, and a report on the Housing with Care Strategy would be presented to the Committee later in the year.




i.)  the progress on the actions associated with the Adult Care and Health Portfolio Plan for the second half of 2023-24 – Appendix 1 be noted; and,


ii.)  the refresh of the Portfolio Plan for 2024/25 – Appendix 2, be noted.


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