Agenda item

(24/00109/FULL1) - Holwood House, Westerham Road, BR2 6HB




The extension of the existing garage at ground level, with basement level garage and games/leisure room.


Following the presentation from a Planning Officer, the Chairman read out a statement in support of the application from Ward Member, Councillor Jeffreys. Members heard that there were no local objections, the large basement garage space would remove surface parking and the proposals would have no real impact on Green Belt Land. In addition, fellow Ward Members Councillors Dr Gupta and Laidlaw also supported the application.


During discussions several Members expressed concerns that the plan was for a large extension both above and below ground, with a substantial building at ground level. Members couldn’t see that the Applicant had shown any special circumstances to warrant approval.


Members having considered the Report, objections and representations RESOLVED that the APPLICATION BE REFUSED as recommended for the reason set out in the Report.

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