Agenda item

(24/00159/FULL1) - Borough Council Depot, Churchfields Road, Beckenham, BR3 4QY.





Erection of fire suppression tanks and pump house with associated alterations to the drainage layout at the site, like for like repair and replacement to the slab, push walls and works associated with the refurbishment and repair of the waste transfer station. Elevational alteration to front boundary wall to provide pedestrian access gate within existing wall.


Planning Officers confirmed that this application was in front of the committee due to it being a Bromley-owned site and outside delegated powers.


An oral representation in support of the application was given by the Planning Agent. Members heard that this was a long-established waste facility with the plans for vital improvement works to ensure the continuation of the site’s services. The safety of the site would be improved and enhanced, particularly relating to fire safety, drainage and flood risk. The operational efficiency of the site would also be improved.


The Chairman stated that it was felt this was a straight-forward application with no objections.


Members having considered the Report and representations RESOLVED that PERMISSION BE GRANTED as recommended, subject to the conditions as set out in the Report.



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