Agenda item

(23/01054/FULL1) - Crystal Palace Football Club Academy, Copers Cope Road, Beckenham, BR3 1NZ.




Excavation and construction of a basement to provide indoor sports therapy pools and plant room (related to the approved use as a football academy), together with extensions and elevational alterations to the former Gambado Sports Hall and lean-to building, car parking, external store and landscaping (part retrospective). Amended drawings received regarding car parking layout – reverting to approved site layout.


An oral representation in support of the application was received from the Chairman of Crystal Palace Football Club. The Speaker informed Members that the proposals were to open a new wing of the Football Academy, with the pools centred around injury rehabilitation, recovery and looking after the young athletes. It would be an enclosed environment for staff and athletes and not open to the general public.


In response to Members’ questions the Speaker stated:


-  He was aware of residents’ concerns and objections regarding the lack of adequate on-site parking and traffic management, but they have been working with residents to minimise disruption and the impact on residents.

-  There will be a scheme in place to control the movement of coaches on and off the site, together with the plan to minimise the impact on surrounding roads.

-  The facilities were only to be used by those currently attending the Academy and so there should be no increase in numbers.

-  There was a growing need for water therapy for the rehabilitation of Achilles, knee injuries etc and also the need to match facilities offered by other clubs.


Visiting Ward Member, Councillor Tickner, then gave an oral representation in objection to the application. Members heard that a lot of residents were unhappy with the plans, with concerns raised with traffic issues and coaches not using the designated coach bay to drop off passengers. There was no problem with the proposed rehabilitation pools, but concern with this being another retrospective application from Crystal Palace Football Club. Councillor Tickner stated that there have been breaches of existing conditions, together with the non-submission of Event Plans as required for events with more than 150 people. It was felt that the Applicants should satisfy all previous conditions before any further applications are approved. A recommendation was made to Members to defer the application for more stringent information to be provided.


During discussions Members agreed that the application seemed like a reasonable proposal with the understanding of the need for the rehabilitation pools. Members agreed with residents concerns regarding the impact of coaches parking, turning, reversing etc during drop-offs and requested that conditions be added if the application was approved.


Members having considered the Report, objections and representations RESOLVED that PERMISSION BE GRANTED as recommended, subject to the conditions as set out in the Report, and with the additional condition:


There shall be no reversing of coaches onto Copers Cope Road.


Reason: In order to comply with Policy 32 of the Bromley Local Plan and in the interest of pedestrian and vehicular safety.


Add Informative:


The Applicant is advised that coaches should use the on-site lay-by to pull in off Copers Cope Road.


Supporting documents: