Agenda item

(24/01221/FULL6) - 97 Ravensbourne Avenue, Bromley, BR2 0A





Enclosing a porch and retention of the front door. (RETROSPECTIVE).


An oral representation in support of the application was received from the Agent. Members heard that the original porch was small, dark and enclosed together with being a security risk. It was a practical consideration to use an aluminium door as they were more weather resistant, but there weren’t any of that material with an arch at a reasonable cost. It was highlighted that there were a number of different doors and porches within the area.


Ward Councillor and Committee Member, Councillor Turrell, informed Members that there were a variety of different designs of houses and doors within the area, although paired houses were generally quite similar. Councillor Turrell added that she was minded to support the approval of the application as when permission was granted for the redevelopment of the site, the property was not within a Conservation area.


Members having considered the Report, objections and representations RESOLVED that PERMISSION BE GRANTED as recommended subject to the conditions as set out in the Report.

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