Agenda item

(23/02065/FULL1) - 40 Croydon Road, West Wickham , BR4 9HR





Demolition of existing single storey structure, reconfiguration of side car parking provision, incorporating additional parking/accessible spaces; an EV charging bay; installation of traffic control raising arm barrier systems to the Croydon Road access. Removal of existing entrance canopy and construction of new entrance lobby structure. Installation of security fencing to side compound area; with the incorporation of vehicle access and pedestrian gates. Enclosure of the existing side under-croft and rear compound areas. New fenestration arrangement introduced to first floor level fronting onto Kingsway.


An oral representation in support of the application was received from visiting Ward Member, Councillor Michael. Members heard that this was an Art Deco building and the proposals involved a lot of changes to the existing building/site. However, as a Ward Councillor, overall the plans were seen as an improvement, with the new building having an attractive canopy, there being increased parking, traffic/road safety would be improved and motorists would no longer use the forecourt as a cut-through. There were concerns over the removal of six trees and therefore Councillor Michael would ask for a condition regarding replacement if possible.


During discussions Members agreed that this was a building that needed replacing and updating and this was an overdue application. The need to increase parking on site was supported with the agreement that the car park was not currently configured well. The introduction of the barrier would improve safety, both in the car park and on the roads.


Concerns were raised regarding the loss of trees and biodiversity issues with the question of whether conditions and/or informatives could be added if approved. Planning Officers stated that it may be difficult to add these as this was an older application (received prior to statutory requirements regarding Biodiversity Net Gain – as per page 49 of the Report).


Members having considered the Report, objections and representations RESOLVED that the APPLICATION BE PERMITTED as recommended subject to the conditions as set out in the Report.


Added Informative:


The Applicants are advised to look at enhancing the greening measures on the site such as additional trees and planting where possible. 


Supporting documents: