Agenda item

(24/00218/FULL1) - 57 Kangley Bridge Road, Lower Sydenham, London SE26 5BA





Demolition of existing building and redevelopment of site for industrial processes (Use Class E(g)(iii)); industrial (Use Class B2); and/or storage and distribution (Use Class B8)) purposes, with ancillary offices and associated parking, servicing, access arrangements and other associated works.


In an update given by a Planning Officer, Members were informed that if approved the conditions relating to operating and servicing/delivery hours would be removed as the site required 24-hour access.


An oral representation in support of the application was given by a representative from the Agents. The Speaker stated that this was a proposal to replace a dated industrial building with a new building of an updated design, with the plans building on the existing layout. It would result in a high-quality and sustainable employment space with flexible plans for businesses to use the new building. The plan included electric vehicle charging points, cycle bays, landscaping and would be zero carbon following construction.


The Chairman informed Members that it was felt it was a very good application and proposal with no objections and therefore he would recommend approval.


Members having considered the Report and representations RESOLVED that PERMISSION BE GRANTED as recommended, subject to the conditions as set out in the Report, and with the removal of Condition 16 (operating hours) and 17 (delivery hours). Condition to be added regarding Construction Logistics Plan.

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