Agenda item


There will be an oral update at the meeting.


The Chairman advised visiting members and the public that the Executive this evening would not be discussing budget proposals for next year in depth.  As already agreed at the last meeting a special meeting had been convened for that purpose on the former Council meeting date of 14th February 2011.  The recommendations from that meeting would then go to Council for setting the Council Tax on 28th February 2011.  However he had asked the Director of Resources to give an oral update on the current situation.


The Director of Resources explained that since the last meeting there were a few issues to report.  The Government had confirmed the Formula Grant levels and Bromley’s position remained unchanged.  No announcement had yet been made on Grant Capping although it was expected that local authorities setting a high Council Tax could be affected.  Although it had not been formally confirmed there were strong indications that the Council Tax freeze grant set for 2 years (2011/12 – 2012/13) could be in place for 4 years.  There had been a judicial review of the decision to reduce the amount of London Borough’s Grant this year but it was not expected that the decision would be overturned.  The Chancellor had been expected to make a statement on the results of the Hutton Inquiry regarding pensions, but this had been delayed to June.  The Director advised that any other changes impacting on setting the Council Tax would be reported to the Council meeting on 28th February 2011.


The Chairman reported that following the discussions at the last meeting and the circulation of the savings proposals for consultation, as at 31st January 2011 he had received 57 responses commenting on such matters as efficiencies of service; the Library service, school crossing patrols; CYP issues and Learning Disabilities.  These would all be given due consideration.


Councillor Getgood spoke at the meeting and whilst accepting that the Council had to make savings as it was no longer receiving grant money from the government, expressed his deep concern at the disproportionate effect the proposals would have on the most vulnerable.  In particular he highlighted Adult & Community and CYP services and felt the Council should look at cuts in other areas to make savings and review its stance on non use of reserves. In response the Chairman reiterated that the Council did not want to be in this difficult situation but had to sort out a viable budget over the next 2 years whilst making huge savings.  Members were very aware of the issues and the Chief Executive had been tasked with assessing the impact of the proposals and the results would be reported back.  Concerning the use of reserves this was not a sustainable proposition, once the funds were spent there would be nothing to fall back on.  The interest earned previously had enabled new schemes to go ahead such as the new libraries at Biggin Hill and Orpington. Other members also spoke in support of these views. 


RESOLVED that the current position and the comments received so far be noted.