
Children and Young People Portfolio

Purpose of committee

The Portfolio Holder for Children and Young People is a Member of the Executive and decides on matters relating to:


·  the Council’s responsibilities as an education authority;

·  the provision of opportunities for education, training and learning outside the school environment (involving young people), including pre-school learning;

·  leisure and cultural opportunities for children and young people

·  e.g. play, parks, sport and the arts;

·  services to keep children safe on the road;

·  social work for children and young persons, children with special needs, fostering and adoption and family support services.


Some decisions on the above subjects are delegated to appropriate officers.


Contact information

Support officer: Kerry Nicholls. 020 8313 4602

Postal address:
W86, West Wing
Bromley Civic Centre
Stockwell Close
Bromley, Kent

Phone: 020 8313 4602

Fax: 020 8290 0608
