Issue - decisions


05/04/2012 - BUDGET MONITORING 2011/12

Report ACS12007


The Committee considered the budget monitoring position for 2011/12 based on activity up to the end of November 2011.


Members were pleased to note that despite having a large budget to monitor the variations were relatively small.


RESOLVED that the Portfolio Holder be recommended to:


1)  Note the projected underspend of £498,000.


2)  Approve an in-year virement of £170,000 from the Procurement and Contract Compliance budget within the Commissioning and Partnerships Division to Housing Needs, to fund a number of initiatives that will help reduce costs pressures of £700,000 following through into 2012/12.


3)  Note that £150,000 relating to Learning Disabilities growth pressures approved by the Executive as part of the 2011/12 budget will be returned to the central contingency.