Issue - decisions


22/01/2016 - Secondary and Primary Development Plans

1.  The projections for primary and secondary need be noted;


 2.  A margin of 5% be agreed above the Greater London Authority projection for primary and secondary place planning to provide for local variations in need and to meet parental preferences;


3.  That discussions be undertaken with primary schools identified for expansion with a view to reporting the outcome to a future meeting of Education PDS Committee;


4.  That feasibility studies be undertaken in consultation with identified primary schools to assess the scope and cost of school enlargement;


5.  Where primary school expansion is agreed, implementation be funded through the Education Capital Programme, subject to the availability of funds;


6. That the Secondary School Place Planning report be recommended to the Education PDS Committee as the basis for secondary school place planning to 2031; and,


7.  That the proposals for the expansion of existing secondary schools be brought forward to the Executive for approval.


8.  That local Councillors be involved with any planning proposals for the expansion or establishment of schools at the pre-planning application stage.