Issue - decisions

Draft Air Quality Action Plan

14/04/2020 - Draft Air Quality Action Plan

(1)  The revised Air Quality Management Area (Appendix A to the report) be approved.


(2)  The Draft Air Quality Action Plan 2020-25 (Appendix B to the report) be approved for a two-stage consultation process as set out in paragraph 3.31 of the report.


(3)  Feedback following the consultation be considered at the PDS meeting scheduled for 9th September 2020.


(4)  Authority be delegated to the Director of Environment and Public Protection, in consultation with the Portfolio Holder, to approve any minor changes required to the Action Plan arising from the GLA’s approval process.


(5) The final version of the Air Quality Action Plan be approved for adoption by the Executive at the meeting scheduled for 16th September 2020.