Issue - decisions


16/11/2020 - PLANNING APPEALS - COSTS 2019-2020

Report HPR2020/32


The report provided an update on the award of costs from planning appeals made in the financial year 2019/2020. 13 applications claiming for costs were made in the period April 2019 to March 2020 of which 5 had been allowed and 8 refused.  The report also provided an update on cost claims that were paid in 2019/2020. The total of planning appeal cost claims paid in 2019/2020 was £36,236.15.  The Council had actively been applying for an award of costs against the appellant where the Council believe they had acted unreasonably.  Three cases had been applied for within this financial year, two had been refused and one was awaiting a decision.


In response to a question concerning how the figures could be skewed by the very small number of cases, the Assistant Director for Planning explained that whilst the small number of cases was not formally recognised, if the Council found itself in a position where it was threatened with designation again it would have an opportunity to put its case back and the small number of cases would be a relevant factor. 


RESOLVED: that the report be noted.