Issue - decisions

School Place Planning Report 2022-26

05/10/2022 - School Place Planning Report 2022-26

That the comments of the School Places Working Group be noted, in particular its resolutions that:


1.  Pupil roll projections and other trend data set out in the report be noted;

2.  Members note the continued increase in the number of children and young people with an Education Health and Care Plan (EHCP), above demographic trends;

3.  A planning margin of 5% above the GLA school roll projections continues to be implemented to provide for local variations in need and to meet parental preferences;

4.  Members note the projections indicating a potential future reduction in the need for primary places;

5.  Whilst there are currently sufficient primary places available or planned to meet current and projected demand for school places, the Council will work with schools to safeguard the existing supply of school places as required;

6.  There are specific pressures for placements for pupils with an Education Health and Care Plans (EHCPs) and the Council will work with local schools, trusts and the Department for Education to bring proposals forward to increase capacity and improve provision where necessary;

7.  Discussions be undertaken with schools, multi academy trusts and the Department for Education, as outlined in this report, to ensure a sufficient supply of mainstream school places in the Borough, including through expansions and opening new schools;

8.  Whilst there has been progress in the delivery of both Harris Kent House and Redwood Academy free schools, there remains a potential delay to both projects and that it is recommended that the Council engages in conversation with both trusts to ensure that there are sufficient school places available until each school opens;

9.  Members note the Special Educational Needs strategic estates review that will be developing options to enable the delivery of additional specialist capacity when needed;

10.The Council should actively seek to increase the capacity of in-Borough specialist provision;

11.Where expansion is agreed, to implement through the education capital programme (subject to the availability of funds); and,

12.Officers enter dialogue with the DfE on amending the primary and secondary planning areas.


That the Bromley School Places Plan 2022-26 be agreed.


That the ongoing work of officers with the Department for Education to amend the Borough’s school place planning areas be noted, comprising moving to two planning areas for secondary place planning, amending the primary planning areas to reflect the 2022 changes in ward boundaries and retaining the principle of planning areas being co-terminus with ward boundaries.