Issue - decisions



1.  A variation to idverde’s contract b agreed at a one-off value of £63k to undertake the survey work identified at paragraph 3.10 of the report and prepare the technical specifications for the tender of a works contractor.

2.  It be agreed to proceed to procurement for a works contractor to deliver the project in accordance with the procurement strategy set out in paragraphs 3.21 – 3.24 of the report.

3.  Authority be delegated to the Director of Environment & Public Protection, in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Sustainability, Green Services and Open Spaces, to award the works contract to the successful tenderer up to the value remaining in the capital programme for the Kelsey Lakes.

4.  A 15-month fixed term Project Manager post be created to deliver the project using the capital programme funding for Kelsey Lakes at an estimated cost of £80k as set out in paragraph 3.27 of the report.

5.   A one-off variation to idverde’s contract of £17.5k for 2023/24 be approved to fund the desilting project at Croydon Canal identified at paragraph 3.29 of the report.