Issue - decisions

Operational Property Refurbishment Programme Update




1)  The contents of this report be noted and the following recommendations be agreed:


a)  To note that up to £1.046m of the OPR budget as planned will be used for the essential repair of surface car parks required to maintain statutory service.


b)  To proceed to procurement for the works contract for the essential repair of surface car parks at an estimated value of up to £1m as set out in paragraphs 3.13, with delegated authority to the Director of Housing, Planning, Property and Regeneration to approve the detailed procurement strategy and contract award.


c)  To approve the procurement of Construction Consultancy Services via a competitive tender process utilising the NHS SBS framework for consultants that can provide a Building Surveying led multidisciplinary team to design and deliver the Strategic Property OPR Workstreams, with delegated authority to the Director of Housing, Planning, Property and Regeneration to approve the detailed procurement strategy.


d)  To note that up to an additional £0.95M of the OPR budget as planned will be used for Building Surveying led multidisciplinary teams to design and deliver the Strategic Property Workstreams. The total budget value of the appointment(s) is estimated to be £2.4m.


e)  To agree to delegate authority to the Director of Corporate Services and Governance to enter and manage legal matters relating to these services and works to allow matters to progress.


2.  Full Council be recommended to agree a supplementary capital estimate of £3.0m for surveys and potential remedial works associated with Reinforced Autoclaved Aerated Concrete (RAAC).